MTL 0.00% 0.1¢ mantle minerals limited

AGM, page-34

  1. 1,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 55
    Hey JC……..only the strong survive in sideways markets like we are currently experiencing. Today saw a renewed spring in the CAD step, maybe this little monkey can become a market darling if they can pick up a company making asset(according to mgmnt at the AGM late last year).

    I hope they are getting closer to achieving this, the buying interest today showed how tightly held this stock is, 630m on issue and went up 33% on just over 1m traded…….got me mildly excited on a lack lustre day in the resource spec markets.

    Good luck for this year pal, hope we strike it lucky with at least3 out of our 5 fav's.



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