A2M 1.21% $5.73 the a2 milk company limited

"Except for the fact that QUeenslanders are not a “race”, not a...

  1. 4,475 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1929
    "Except for the fact that QUeenslanders are not a “race”, not a “nation”"

    Bob Katter would like a word with you.
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Mkt cap ! $4.148B
Open High Low Value Volume
$5.78 $5.79 $5.68 $3.891M 679.2K

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
1 5000 $5.72

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
$5.73 12067 3
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Last trade - 16.10pm 03/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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