Agrument for getting the "jab"

  1. 18,294 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1009
    There seems to be an antivax agenda gettin prominence on HC. Time to promote the vaccine as a positive. There is absolutely no doubt that getting the jab has many advantages over not getting the jab. The AZ vaccine has now been used world wide for sufficient time and in sufficient quantity to show the pros and cons. The results are in and are available for all to see.

    Over the years vaccines have been developed that have gone a long way to eliminate many serious diseases and reduce the effects of many more. Covid 19 vaccines are now being accepted in the ist of successes. There is no doubt that the benefits outweigh any disadvantages. There appears to be only two ways back to "normality", whatever that is.

    One way is to open up and let nature build natural herd immunity. The other is to get majority vaccination. A possible third is a combination of both. I'm personally in favour of number three.

    Whenever everyone that has had the opportunity to be vaccinated there should be no reason why we do not operate as normal. Travel, mix with others, open up all schools, allow business to trade without Covid restrictions and all that goes with normal living. The police can get back to real crime and best of all the government can concentrate on rebuilding industry, managing the economy and securing our nationality.

    Those that choose not to be vaccinated can make that decision without affecting those that do. Without that incentive to get the jab we will wander on in and out of lockdown, have closed borders and have trouble ever being one nation, Australia, again.
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