The statistic that in Iraq over 50% [is it 60%?] of the...

  1. 1,544 Posts.
    The statistic that in Iraq over 50% [is it 60%?] of the population is under 25 yrs. has been bandied about. I'm not sure how they would know but it appears to be accepted.
    So! What happened to the adults? A demographer could give a better guestimate than I but there must be millions of "missing" adults, lost in hopeless wars, purges and genocide.
    And we are told about "millions" of dead children. I have grave doubts about these numbers, but die many did. Why? There was enough money coming into the country to feed them and give them basic medicines. Where did it go?
    When you add the Iranians and Kuaities killed in his dumb wars, Saddam is swimming in a sea of blood.
    In the scale of things, the Iraqi dead are a necessary evil. I can't differentiate much between civilians [some of whom shoot at choppers and suspected downed pilots] and unwilling, untrained and poorly equiped and clothed "soldiers". There is no joy in hearing of hundreds of defenders killed day after day.
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