AJX alexium international group limited

A good demonstration of why it is best to ignore the media noise...

  1. 1,909 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    A good demonstration of why it is best to ignore the media noise for these events. I recall reading something recently that promised the US market was going to fall 20% and gold would jump $200/ounce if Trump won and urging people to sell their stocks and buy gold and silver and they were going to be saved from disaster and make a fortune if they did.

    I have no idea how this is going to play out over time but I suspect there will be a lot more focus on US interest rates than Donald Trump, at least in the short to medium term. The checks built into the US constitution to balance the distribution of power between the executive and congressional arms of government will keep Trump in check and I suspect once he takes the reins he will be mired in the day to day problems of dealing with the debt, budgets and trying to sort the health system out and won't have time for much else anyway.
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