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Al-Essa admits: the economic war to prevent the secession of the south

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    And we once thought Al Essa might assist us to get the necessary approvals. He was working against us all the time! It all comes down to the secession of the South. Hadi is a proponent of the 6 regions and he believes this is paramount - even now that the Houthi control the North. But as Al Essa says: "because granting the south a separate region is a first step towards separation, and we reject separation completely." He is obviously oblivious to the separation of the North of Yemen under the Houthi's.

    And of course the Houthi-Brotherhood alliance ,takes no interest in any of this

    Just Stupid!
    And as Al-Essa admits: the economic war to preventthe secession of the south implies that the South cannot access oil revenue - say from Block S1. But also since the Brotherhood are only interested in war profits, Block S1 cannot produce independently.

    Therefore we need to hope for the Saudi's outright acceptance of the South's secession.

    Report: Ahmed Al-Essa admits: the economic war to prevent the secession of the south,1500004,15700021,15700186,15700191,15700259,15700271,15700302&usg=ALkJrhjg73E8X7_ykGMVG1pq0H2bzyrO4g


    Wednesday 05 February 2020 9:40 AM

    Report: Ahmed Al-Essa admits: the economic war to preventthe secession of the south

    Editorial team

    Ahmed Saleh Al-Essi, the financial arm of the YemeniBrotherhood, returned to attack the south and to accuse the United ArabEmirates of supporting the southerners, but this time from the Egyptian pressportal, which granted one of the prominent funders of the Muslim Brotherhood.The editor of the "Eighth Day" newspaper, reviewed the pressinterview with the President of the Yemeni Football Association and deputydirector of the Yemeni President's interim office, Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, andthe main suspect in the economic and supply war against Aden and the south.

    Brotherhood and the strategy of economic war against thesouth

    Ahmad Saleh Al-Essi admitted that he was behind the economicwar that Aden was suffering from after the liberation of the Houthi militia,but he justified this by rejecting what he called the two regions projectbecause it is a “first step towards separation.” This talk brings to mindsimilar statements by leaders of the Brotherhood of Yemen, including Muhammadal-Idoumi and Abd al-Majid. Al-Zindani, which confirms that the refusal togrant the south autonomy to a regional region is a brotherhood strategyfollowed since the failure of the Yemeni dialogue conference that took placebetween the years 2013-2014 AD, before Hadi's office cooked a solution that wasimpossible to implement in North Yemen, and that is the project of the SixTerritories State, which is the project Who founded Zed B South legality of thecase based on the restoration of the right of the South after the State of thecoup on the peaceful unity of war and the fatwas of atonement Brotherhood forthe southerners project

    It seems that Ahmed Saleh Al-Essa did not go far from thisstrategy, as a student of the Muslim Brotherhood’s schools claims to be amember of the General People's Congress party, but he cannot hide theBrotherhood’s thought expressed through his anti-southern projects. Theeconomic war against the south began, in effect, since Aidross Al-Zubaidiassumed the leadership of the capital, Aden. The man who is the main financialarm and monopolist of oil derivatives was used to confront the south.

    This war was justified by former Foreign MinisterAbdul-Malik Al-Mikhlafi as "it comes in the context of the war to preventsecession" ... which al-Mikhlafi believed that "the rise of Aden andits economic and security stability may encourage towards separation,"which is confirmed by Ahmed Saleh Al-Essi, who confesses that they seek to rejectany A project that does justice to the south, including the two regionsproject, which was approved by what he learned of the Cairo meeting led byPresidents Ali Nasser Muhammad and Haider Abu Bakr Al-Attas in 2011.

    But Al-Essa did not talk about how to "persuade thenorthern Yemeni cities under the control of the Houthis to accept the SixTerritories project, and to what extent the Houthis accepted as a force on theground for this project, but it seems clear that the project only came tostrike the legitimacy of the southern issue only and will not undermine theunity of North Yemen, which is totally under control Houthi and Brotherhoodcontrol. .

    The coalition is the foundations for confronting theseparatists

    Ahmed Saleh Al-Essi admitted from the Egyptian capital, Cairo,that he stood behind the so-called National Coalition political bloc, whichincludes the Renaissance and Reform parties and other Brotherhoodorganizations. The Egyptian authorities prevented the holding of the publicityconference in a Cairo hotel in the year 2018 AD, after receiving informationconfirming Qatar's support behind the establishment of this Brotherhood bloc.

    Al-Eisi says, "We stand behind this bloc, and one ofits primary goals and vision is commitment to implementing the results of thenational dialogue, and a Yemeni federal declaration from 6 regions"; andthe federal Yemen consisting of six regions was not agreed upon in the Yemenidialogue conference, and even the southern team that represented the southernissue withdrew Months before the announcement of the end of the dialogue. Thefederal state project was approved in the office of the Yemeni president andwas met with a widespread southern rejection of this, as the southerners wentout in mass demonstrations in Aden rejecting the outcomes of the Yemenidialogue conference. The Brotherhood businessman asserts that "a federalYemen from 6 regions is the most appropriate project to preserve (our unity)because granting the south a separate region is a first step towards separation,and we reject separation completely."

    Deny the relationship of aggressive war on the south

    Ahmed Saleh Al-Essi tried to ignore the aggressive warlaunched by the Sanaa regime's alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood and theAl-Qaeda terrorist organization, claiming that the demands of the southernersfor secession were the result of the failure of the "unityadministration", ignoring the aggressive war and takfir fatwas and lootingand pillaging that the south was subjected to after the 1994 summer war.

    The Brotherhood refuses to apologize for that war, unlikethe symbols of the Saleh regime, who apologized for that war and held the Brotherhoodresponsible for inciting the northern community to seize Aden and pillage it.One of the symbols of "Nizam Saleh" is his press secretary, AhmedAl-Soufi, who emphasized that the Brotherhood’s fatwa fatwa and tried to denyit, which he confirmed in an interview with the Sharia channel broadcast fromSaudi Arabia.

    Hadi fair South

    Ahmed Saleh Al-Essa claimed that the Yemeni interim president,Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, whose followers gathered Ma'rib late last year againstthe south, did justice to the southern issue and the southerners.

    Al-Eisi said, claiming that "President Hadi did justiceto the southern issue and presented it to what no one else presented it".Al-Eisi considered that his arrival to the position of deputy director ofAl-Alimi office and other southerners until they were responsible in the Yemenigovernment, in fairness to the southern issue. Al-Eisiaccused regional countries of supporting the south, claiming what he describedas "an external scheme to target Yemen, its unity, security and stability,but this plan will fail, God willing, and Yemen will remain one governed by afederal system that gives everyone the right to their rights and preserves theunity and strength of Yemen."

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