Alan Jones4 hrs · Donald Trump has been heavily criticised for...

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    Donald Trump has been heavily criticised for attacking four left-wing Democratic Congresswomen, telling them they should return to their “corrupt home countries.”

    He’s been accused of racism.

    Now, the President can be criticised if these people were born in America.

    That, after all, is their home country.

    One of them is a Muslim immigrant from Somalia.

    I think the others were born in America.

    But this argument that Mr Trump was attacking this women because of the colour of their skin seems a deliberate attempt, amongst a long line of attempts, to discredit the President.

    Donald Trump was making the comments because he believes these women, who even the democrats call ‘the squad’ because of their persistent lurch to the left in their attack on Trump – Trump believes the constant criticism of Trump and the America he leads encourages people to hate America.

    He said many American’s agree with him.

    That, “These are people who hate our country... if they are not happy here they can leave.”

    One of the women made comments about the 9/11 Terror Attacks, saying they occurred after “some people did something.”

    The same woman, Ilhan Omar, apologised recently for comments which stereotype Jews as being driven by money.
    Now, suddenly, because these women are black and they are criticised, this army of Trump haters descend on him, arguing the criticism is based on race.

    One of them said of Donald Trump, “You are angry because you can’t conceive of an America that includes us..”

    And the left-wing media give these women unlimited space.

    Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives and Democrat leader went further, arguing that Donald Trump’s plan to “Make America Great Again” is about “Making America White Again.”

    This is Piffle.


    The persistent criticism of Trump by the phalanx of left-wingers is designed American’s hate Donald Trump.
    And therefore, to hate America, because they voted for Donald Trump.

    And that is the point that Trump is making.

    We have got this stuff here.

    Young Australians are taught at schools and university that we are an ugly, capitalist society.

    We are climate change deniers.

    By not recognising Aborigines in the Constitution we are racist.

    We’ve abandoned our young people because we haven’t done what the left say should be done about climate change.

    So we have got people gluing themselves to the streets in Brisbane, school kids weeping in the streets in protest about climate change when the bulk of them couldn’t answer a question when it was asked of them.

    But the end result is, they hate us and they hate Australia.
    That’s what Trump is about.

    It has nothing to do with colour.

    It is not racist to say, as many Americans say and many Australians say, if you don’t like us – leave.

    We are in a war far more significant perhaps than those conflicts which embraced the use of military weapons.
    This is a cultural war.

    And the weapons being used against us are the education system and the institutions charged with educating our young, when in fact, many of them are corrupting their minds.

    To suggest that making America great again means making America white again is the real racist comment.

    Most Americans wouldn’t even think of it; wouldn’t even draw that conclusion.

    Do we teach our kids to love Australia with all its imperfections; to be proud of Australia, to so educate ourselves that we will be part of a rich future of prosperity and happiness?

    I see every day the agents of despair and poverty.
    How the hell are we going to prosper Australia on renewable energy?

    How does America prosper, when the left is determined to virtually discredit the fabric of democracy which made Donald Trump President?

    This has nothing to do with skin colour.

    Trump was saying, if you don’t like us, go somewhere else.
    Many Australians say that every day.

    And I am sure many Australians, frightened to speak up, feel exactly the same way.

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