LOL have you ever heard Abbott give a straight answer. He even...

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    LOL have you ever heard Abbott give a straight answer. He even tells you not to necessarily believe what come forth from the mouth.

    Why pretend the price on carbon is some sort of surprise when for months we have been told its coming. It was either an ETS or carbon price and given the hung parliament they opted for the carbon price as a first step because they know they will get that through the Senate at least by July.

    Gillard probably would have preferred an ETS thats why she would have said no carbon tax pre election but she has had to compromise and settle for the price on carbon.

    Howard introduced Workchoices with no mandate and Abbott said pre -election that Workchoices is dead but we all now know that if he were to walk into the Lodge it would be back and at a minimum parts of it would be re-introduced.

    By the way John Howard supported having a price on carbon and so do many other Liberals including Malcolm Turnbull.

    Just heard Tony say Gillard should first try and secure a mandate for a price on carbon at the next election and this from a Minister in a government that had no mandate to introduce workchoices. The hypocrisy is outstanding although probably not so for politicians lol.
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