"Brown's big smirk is sourced from a very deep, low level...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    "Brown's big smirk is sourced from a very deep, low level cunning. I think he's outsmarted Labor on this because it's Gillard who will take all the heat and damage. She can't offload blame onto him without looking weak."

    There is no doubt that bob brown is an extremely cunning and predatory individual.

    However the idea that bob brown has "outsmarted" labor is simply not credible.

    The 100% union owned and controlled labor party and the greenies are just marginally different sides of the same totalitarian socialist coin.

    If anything it is just a continual game of bait and switch to distract your attention with some polarizing diversion while they pick your pockets and fleece your cash-flow to feed and expand their crony network and line the union bosses pockets.

    This massive new carbon tax was obviously planned from the beginning and we are just witnessing the unfolding of their strategy to dupe and fleece the Australian electorate.

    When you listen to the traitorous gillard motor-mouth on and on and on with evasive non-answers and vacuous, carefully worded lawyer-talk to out-talk and over-talk Alan Jones in that horrible monotone bogan drone she uses, you have to wonder how Australia fell to this catastrophic state with people like this serial liar gillard representing Australia and Australian values.

    gillard traitorously betrayed rudd, now traitorously betrays then Australian electorate...

    Are not limits to the depths the power-hungry gillard will
    stoop to?
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