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Alan Kohler Interview

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    Lithium – so hot right now?
    Alan Kohler October 2, 2017 CEO Interviews

    • Pilbara Minerals is a lithium and tantalum miner focused on the development of its Pilgangoora Lithium-Tantalum Project
    • The project is located 120 kilometres from Port Hedland in the Pilbara region of Western Australia
    • Its aim is to fast-track Pilgangoora towards production to capitalise on the widely anticipated shortfall of lithium in global markets over the next decade
    Pilbara Minerals is one of Australia’s burgeoning lithium miners. They’ve got a very big project which they’re labelling as the world’s biggest, just south of Port Hedland in Western Australia.

    I called up their CEO Ken Brinsden to discuss a deal they’ve just signed with Great Wall Motors, a Chinese car manufacturer. It’s the first offtake agreement between a car company and a mine.

    The deal is for stage two of the project. Stage one starts next year while stage two is still a little while off. Great Wall has agreed to buy 3.5% of Pilbara Minerals for 28 million dollars as part of the deal.

    It seems lithium is the hottest thing in town at the moment – the question is though, is now the right time to buy…or have they got a bit ahead of themselves?

    I spoke to Pilbara Minerals CEO Ken Brinsden to find out.

    Well, Ken, you’ve just announced an offtake agreement with Great Wall, China. I think that’s the first time a car company has done an offtake agreement directly with a lithium miner isn’t it?

    Yeah, that’s right Alan. Yeah, it’s an exciting development for the industry I think. The idea that a car manufacturer would be prepared to step multiple points upstream in the supply chain and secure the raw material and make a direct investment in a mining company, it doesn’t happen that often but in a lithium world, a fantastic development. And I think it ultimately shows that the car manufacturers are and potentially should be concerned about lithium raw material supply and securing their supply chains.

    So, can you tell us a bit about the deal with Great Wall, how much is it for and how much of your production will it represent?

    By all means. So, there’s a few facets to the deal with Great Wall. In the first instance it relates to offtake as part of our stage two project. So, we’re looking to continue to expand the mine and our objective is, you know, clearly the Pilgangoora resource is a very large resource and equally we see lots of demand. So, there’s an opportunity to continue to keep expanding the mine. In the case of Great Wall we’ve allocated them up to 150 thousand tonnes of spodumene concentrate. The spodumene is ultimately what gets converted into lithium carbon or lithium hydroxide for the battery industry.

    To achieve 150 thousand tonnes of spodumene concentrate they have to facilitate some financing for the development of our stage two project, and in the case of Great Wall that’s for a facility of up to USD$50 million to support the development of stage two. And lastly, there’s an equity investment from Great Wall in Pilbara Minerals and that’s for 3.5% of the equity on issue. The combined effect of all that is to continue to grow the relationship. In this case we have a car company who’s looking to secure the raw material supply so that they continue to build more batteries for vehicles that are electrified. Great Wall spend a lot of money already in developing their supply chain and battery capacity and technology and they’ve done of course the same thing in electrification of vehicles, both hybrids, plug-in hybrids and ultimately electric vehicles. So, yeah, a very progressive company and we’re happy to be working with them.

    So, when does stage two happen? I presume it comes after stage one?

    Yeah exactly. So, obviously we’re pursuing the development of the mine right now in stage one. We should be shipping product from stage one in the second quarter of 2018. In the intervening period we’re finishing the feasibility studies for stage two and we’d look to be developing stage two from a construction point of view. It’s from the second half of 2018 and commissioning the second stage from the second half of 2019 calendar year. And very much looking forward to delivering on the potential of the Pilgangoora resource. Huge scale, very high quality resource and I guess that’s why we’ve been able to attract the key customers that we have to the project.

    So, you’ve got two other offtake agreements with Chinese firms have you not?

    That’s right. The other two customers are aligned with primarily the stage one development being Ganfeng, one of the big integrated lithium players from China, and general lithium who’s a slightly smaller company but operates right at the high quality end of the lithium supply chain or lithium carbonate supply chain developing battery grade product and ultra-high purity lithium carbonate, both of which are obviously key raw material feed stocks to the lithium ion battery industry.

    So, how much are those offtake agreements for?

    They’re for a total of 300 thousand tonnes from stage one. Now, Ganfeng’s offtake agreement extends into stage two and that agreement is very much aligned with a method we use for Great Wall. So, they get allocated stage two tonnes but on the proviso that they’ve provided funding support to the development as well. The combined effect of those offtake agreements in stage two, that is Ganfeng and Great Wall, basically underwrites the capital that’s required to be invested in our stage two project. So, from a funding point of view we should be fine from here for stage two.

    So, do these three offtake agreements mean that you’re going to be able to develop the whole mine, stages one and two, yourself, without farming in anybody?

    Exactly, Alan, that’s exactly right. So, we’re fully funded for the stage one development and we’ve done that through historical project bond facility and in the last 12 months, two significant equity raisings. And now through the stage two offtake agreements we’ve attracted capital for the development of the second stage of the project. So, the combined effect of all that is to largely be funded for the entire mine capacity now.

    Right, so how much are we talking about, what’s the size of the cost of stage one and then stage two? What’s the sort of magnitude of the development?

    Yeah, so we’re investing about AUD$235 million in the stage one project and that builds out the first 2 million ore tonnes of processing capacity. Our expectation is that the stage two project will cost in the order of about AUD$130-150m and that will build out the mine’s processing capacity to 5 million ore tonnes per annum. And that’s, as I alluded to earlier, that’s now fully funded through the arrangements that we’ve established for the combined stage one and stage two projects. It’s one of the more significant mine developments in the lithium sphere and part of it is the line to the quality of the products that we’re producing, a combination of genuine 6% lithia in spodumene concentrate, that’s obviously the lithia being the key mineral species that is targeted to the battery industry. But we’re also selling a small subset of our product to the glass and ceramics industry, they require a higher specification of spodumene, typically more than 7% lithia and ultra-low iron. And for that particular product, buyers through Europe, Asia generally including China and Japan, and also buyers in the US for the glass and ceramics products. So yeah, a very exciting development for Western Australia and the hard rock industry has obviously taken off and going to be an important part of the mining economy here in WA.

    Can we just get a sense of the cash flow that starts next – so, did you say you’re starting production in the second quarter of 2018?

    That’s right, yeah.

    And will you be shipping straight away to China under the offtake agreements that you’ve got?

    Exactly, Alan, yeah. So, the two key customers in stage one are Ganfeng and General Lithium and they’re taking the first 300 thousand tonnes of spodumene product. We’ll build up to a full capacity by the end of 2018. And if you’re thinking of that from a cash flow point of view, once we’re at full speed our cash cost of production is about USD$220 a ton, sort of of that order. Today, that same product would be selling for well north of USD$800 a ton. So, for the sake of round numbers if your said your cash margin was USD$600 a ton, you’d be multiplying that by 300 thousand spodumene concentrate tonnes per annum. So, a very healthy cash flow.

    But, that price, $800, is that the price that you’ll be getting from those two Chinese companies, Ganfeng and General Lithium? What’s the price that you’ve agreed on?

    We’ve agreed on a price that’s a floating price linked to the price of battery grade lithium carbonate within China, so the domestic pricing outcome and a small proportion of the import pricing to China. The combined effect of those two is linked via a formula to the price we receive for our spodumene. The important thing from our point of view is that the products that we produce is really very closely aligned with the battery industry because it creates a high quality product that’s ultimately consumed by the battery industry. Clearly prices have run very hard domestically in China.

    Today, battery grade lithium carbonate would probably selling for well north of USD$20,000 a ton after VAT. The import pricing today would be in the order of about USD$15,000 a ton and for every ton of battery grade lithium carbonate you need approximately 8 tonnes of spodumene concentrate. So, we’ve used the effect of the floating price of battery grade carbonate to influence the price of our spodumene concentrates and yes, to your point, the price that we would receive today would be in the order of USD$800-900 a ton for each spodumene concentrate ton.

    Right, and that’s your product, the spodumene 6% concentrate?


    That’s the product you’ll be selling and if it was today it’d be $800 a ton. So, obviously to some extent, investing in Pilbara Minerals – I mean, it’s clear that you’ve got these agreements now, in a sense the volume of the sale is locked in. The only thing that’s not locked in is the price.

    Yeah, that’s right. So, our objective in linking the spodumene concentrate price to the battery grade carbonate price was to ensure that the value in the spodumene was being attributed to the value it ultimately creates once you chemically manufacture a battery grade lithium carbonate. To understand that though, Alan, it’s worthwhile reflecting on a bit of history. This is just my personal opinion, but I would say that historically spodumene was being mispriced, it wasn’t being priced for the value it added to the product created, and especially in China.

    Perhaps an analogy that might help explain this is to say, you know, in the early days of the iron ore boom, product was being sold into China at a benchmark price and then subsequently ramped up in trading to a very high domestic price and I would argue something similar historically had been happening with spodumene concentrates. So, what we sought to do in our relationships with the key customer groups was to break down that mispricing event by actually linking the spodumene concentrate to the battery grade carbonate price. And in that way we get a chance to participate in the upside that pricing within China represented. So, a bit of innovation there in terms of our pricing mechanism, but one we hope adds value to our shareholders.

    I don’t really understand how the spodumene concentrate could be disconnected from the lithium carbonate price?

    Yeah, well the nature of the market was changing very quickly. So, if I take you back to the first half of last year when the battery grade lithium price first started running really hard in China, you could buy spodumene concentrate here in Australia for just a fraction over USD$400 a ton, but at the same time the product that’s ultimately created from those spodumene concentrate tonnes was selling for well north of USD$20,000 a ton. So, there was a really gross disconnect between the value that the spodumene added to the ultimate product being the battery grade carbonate.

    And what we sought to do was to make sure that we were leveraging the value in our spodumene concentrate by linking it to the price of the battery grade carbonate, and we feel like we’ve been able to achieve that. As I said, today for that same pricing outcome you’d receive probably well more than double that, between USD$800-900 a ton. So, I think therein lies the answer, you know, the spodumene is worth a lot more than what it was being priced for early last year.

    Just back to Great Wall – I don’t entirely understand how you can do a binding offtake agreement before you’ve done a final feasibility study for stage two?

    Yeah, look, it’s an early move for the car companies, I think that’s true. But I would credit them with the foresight to be prepared to do that, to become an investor in our company and be prepared to try and lock in the raw materials supply, because there’s every chance in my view that it gets tighter from here. They have faith that we will continue to build out the project’s capacity and we’ve done enough work through the DD that they’ve done and those before them for the financing of the bond that the product is of high quality and readily deliverable to the market.

    And the fact that they also gain some confidence from the fact that we’re already building a mine and will be shipping in terms of the stage one capacity from the second quarter of next year. So, yeah, agreed, with the premise it is an early move, but again I think probably demonstrates just how keen they are to lock in that raw material supply and make sure that they’ve got a secure supply chain for a key raw material to the manufacturer of their cars.

    And at what point will they invest that $28m in equity in the company? Is it now or when stage two begins?

    No, it’s actually happening now. So, we should have received our equity subscription by about the end of this month once we finalised the detailed offtake agreements. So, the binding term sheet dealt with the high level agreements including offtake, equity subscription and financing and the last of the steps now for them to make their equity investment is completion of the detailed offtake documents. So, hopefully that’s a relatively straight forward process and we’ll receive our equity subscription from them at the end of the month.

    And how did the Great Wall deal come about? Were they looking around for a suitable mine to invest in and to deal with? Or was it the other way around, did you approach them?

    No, it’s the former, Alan. As we understand it, they had appointed advisers to help them in, I presume, scouring the globe for projects to get involved with that would either suite their timing for the development of their facilities and battery making facilities especially and that the product would be coming with the right quality. So, we were actually contacted by their advisory group earlier this year and we continue to expand the relationship, multiple visits to China and equally for them, multiple visits here to Australia including visits to the mine. And yeah, as a result of those negotiations we were able to agree terms.

    So, yeah, they had a very deliberate strategic objective to look for raw materials supply and especially within the timeframes that they imagined they needed to develop their facilities to continue to expand their battery production and fortunately there’s a healthy match there and it’s a relationship that we’ve come to appreciate and they’re a good team.

    So, do we take it from their decision to do this deal with you that they think the lithium market is going to be tighter in the years ahead?

    I can only imagine that’s the case, Alan, and for what it’s worth that would be my view. Of course we’re talking our own book, but it’s just extraordinary the number of touchpoints that we have from industry globally actually, but especially from China with respect to securing further raw material supply. I genuinely believe that the lithium raw material demand is being grossly under-estimated by the investment and analyst community. The speed with which it’s moving is just extraordinary and as I said, especially in China. Each of the car manufacturers has a very similar objective in China.

    They are universally electrifying their fleet and it’s amazing to see the way that they’re going about it, the engineering design for a vehicle platform that has the capacity to be either an internal combustion engine, a hybrid, a plug-in hybrid or an EV, all within the same platform and all within the same or very similar facilities. It was widely quoted in the media earlier in the year the Geely Group and their investment with Volvo about every car having a battery and an electric motor in it. And I believe that actually each of the Chinese car manufacturers are doing exactly the same thing and certainly that’s our experience in dealing with Great Wall.

    And it’s incredible how quickly they’re doing it and I think it is being under-estimated by especially the western world as a whole, how quickly they’re moving through the electrification of their entire vehicle fleet. Now, it doesn’t necessarily mean the road is going to be swarming in full electric vehicles in the short to medium term, but will there be a huge number of hybrids and plug-in hybrids? I have no doubt about that. And they’re doing it at a scale that would indicate the cost of those cars is going to be genuinely competitive and it’s part of their objective to move towards full electrification. But in any case, it requires a lot more batteries and that’s what they’re setting up for.

    When I talk to people that are inclined to be sceptical about all this, they always come back with the idea that when these sort of things happen there’s a flood of supply comes onto the market and depresses the price. And you know, when I talk to them about, ‘But the entire global car fleet’s going to eventually be electrified.’ That’s the kind of answer. What’s your view? I mean, when you look at the supply around the world do you see a shortage of lithium?

    No. The honest answer is no, Alan. There is no shortage of lithium in the ground, but what there is is the shortage of the speed with which the lithium can come out of the ground at the right cost and at the right quality. It’s a pretty simple disconnect that I think has emerged here, it’s that he chemical facilities and the battery making facilities that support the roll out of lithium ion batteries. Whether it’s in cars or energy storage, is happening so much faster than a mine can be developed. And again, I think the Chinese are demonstrating that today. They can build a chemical facility and they can build a battery making facility in 18 months from go to whoa.

    And yeah, it takes us basically the best part of four and a half years if you’re moving quickly I think like Pilbara has to develop a mine in hard rock production. But of course in the brine world, the other key supply chain for lithium raw materials it takes 7 to 10 years, if not longer. And it’s that disconnect that’s a big problem for lithium raw material supply, not that the material can’t come out of the ground, just that it probably can’t come out of the ground quick enough and that’s the challenge for the industry. So…

    But that’s just a matter of timing isn’t it? I mean, you know, it means that those who have got a lithium mine like you, you’ll make money for a while, but eventually of course there’ll be enough mines and the supply will be there.

    Yeah, look, Alan, again it’s hard to disagree with that premise. So, then the question becomes what’s your cost base and how good is the quality of the product. But the other point I’d make is that I don’t think that happens any time soon, Alan. Because what we’d really needed to happen was that the hard rock mines were being developed four years ago and the brine operations were being expanded seven years ago and it didn’t happen. And it’s going to take some time for the raw material supply base to catch up. So, to my mind that’s the kind of helicopter view of where the industry is at.

    A useful analogy again that might help sort of paint that picture is the one that speaks to blast furnace capacity in China and iron ore. China’s first started building blast furnace capacity in the early 2000s on that and there wasn’t an analyst anywhere around the world who predicted that they would ultimately install 1 billion tonnes of capacity, but that’s what happened. And in the meantime on the raw materials supply side, supply disappointed relative to the speed with which they were building out the blast furnace capacity and also costs got much, much higher. And it took basically 10 or 12 years for the raw materials supply to catch up.

    But that was an industry that only grew by two times. Here in lithium raw material we’re talking about growth in raw material supply that’s probably orders of magnitude higher than that. And we don’t know really, I mean it depends in part on how much lithium ends up in energy storage as opposed to EVs. But let’s say that the industry has to grow 5 to 10 times, that’s an extraordinary amount of mine development and realistically there’s not that many mines under development today. So, could the raw materials supply be short for quite a period of time to come? Honestly I think the answer is probably yes.

    Yes, of course the iron ore price is back down to $60 a ton now and BHP’s share price has gone nowhere for 10 years, that’s the problem. I mean, they had a wonderful five years as China was expanding, but it didn’t last that long.

    Well, yeah, it feels like it happens in the blink of an eye but it was still 10 years. And actually again, the price has settled at USD$60 a ton but in the early 2000s it was $20 a ton. So, if that’s the case, again a useful analogy maybe – who’s to say that the battery grade lithium carbonate price doesn’t have to be $10,000-15,000 a ton in the long term? And if it is then a company like Pilbara Minerals with the right cost base and the right quality will still make a really healthy margin.

    Great to talk to you, Ken, thank you.

    A pleasure, Alan, thanks for having me.
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