Albanese government suddenly 'falling to bits', page-136

  1. 84,839 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''Thats what happens when a Govt goes to the right. A short term thinking decision which has zero long term value. Finger in the dyke stuff.''

    well, I kind of agree -------------- but, this 'finger in the dyke' event in NZ is so ridiculous that it's like putting a finger in the dyke and knowing that you aren't going to be able to get the finger back - and you'll probably have to chew the finger off to get free - if you at all survive

    I've not heard much that's any dumber than this one. Equal yes ---------- but, worse, no.

    I knew that things were looking 'crazy' when we get leaders like Trump - we just like that, rocketed straight onto the set of Idiocracy II

    but, I didn't think that reasonably sane and stable NZ would do something this bloody dumb, this obviously dumb - and it's so close to home for Ozzies

    to me, atm ------ it's pretty bloody scary what we are seeing in many parts of the world. And I don't believe at all that Oz is immune from the craziness. We've got the form ------- we've had total bloody nuts in parliament for decades and we've had the minister of many hats - following on from the abbotts and rudds etc

    now a kind of contender is Dutton ----------------------- geesus, that's the best?

    Oz as far as I can see is stuck with steady at best governing and at worst so far - retarding.

    But, I think that Oz is at risk of the rise of some total nutter. The problem is that any of these radical dills - is always on the wrong side of things ------------ if somehow, someone could get a trump style, Geert style, Javier style radical who 'really' wanted to get the society better --------- then, that would be a kind of nice attempt ----------- like housing their population or building a nation

    but, no - they all sprout 'make??? again' - and then go about doing dumb things and picking on some group

    they all come from some far right cage in a zoo which someone left the padlock off

    geesus - build that wall and get mexico to pay for it, my dog told me to run for President (fair enough - except the dog died years back and only spoke through a medium) and Wilders - geesus, aliens are here.

    these people are always right wing crackers
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