Albanese looked extremely well groomed - every hair in situ -...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Albanese looked extremely well groomed - every hair in situ - even, might I suggest - skin looking good - perhaps a male facial??

    AND so pleasant and (comparative to olden days) mild?
    To Andrew Bolt?

    Leadership aspirations, serious ones, here, methinks!

    "Cos you can't be a leader if you don't front up. Well, Gillard can, but then she's a woman - so she gets latitude - and can turn on the tears and cry switch (and lie) if pressured. eg: "Her" Disability policy coming in in seven weeks, she sobbed to Parliament?

    No, Ms. Gillard, it won't be fully funded and operational (and there's a lot of "if's" as to affordability) until 2019. Why not opt for the truth? sadly you took the other fork in the road - the road to deceit. Which has been your undoing. Truths come out - in the end.

    Shorten has too much Union related baggage - too much of conflict of interest - and his unfortunate "don't you know who I am where's my pie" born to rule spiteful arrogance -

    The NEW Anthony Albanese?

    After all, in one incarnation, he DID support Mr. Rudd. NOT Gillard.

    Gillard's "killed off" Crean. In most disgraceful and ruthlessly ice cold fashion - seeing he was her mentor and friend - in the past. One of only three then Miisters invited to her 50th birthday bash. Disgracefully cut off - with a short letter to Quentin Bryce - who then had to dismiss Crean on the Gillard command. (Pity she didn't arc up!).

    Albanese sees himself as their next leader. And so he's adopting "Nice". Simple.

    Let's see if time proves me right.
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