Albanese's failing leadership, page-144

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    The next six months are critical, and this is why.

    Every day I watch the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, from across the chamber.

    I study him closely.

    I see a man under pressure.

    Looking for answers, and finding none.

    We’ve got him boxed in, and he’s looking for an exit.

    That means an early election.

    That means Labor is coming for us with everything they’ve got this side of Christmas.

    This next election is going to be tough.

    The good news is you can still make a real difference in the fight to defeat Labor.

    Your generous contribution today will build a $250,000 election fighting fund to save Australia from the Albanese government.

    In 2023, we defeated Labor’s plan to divide our country.

    In 2024, we aim to change the government.

    But it won’t be easy.

    Prime Minister Albanese might be boxed in, but he is famous for his rat cunning.

    I see it every day in Parliament.

    Now it’s up to us to build a strong campaign team, and elect a Liberal government that stands for our values.

    If the Prime Minister goes to an early election, we’ll have to campaign immediately.

    That’s the lesson we learnt from the Voice.

    Be ready. Like a tiger. Always.

    Labor will try to get inside our decision cycle, but with your support we can get inside their heads and make them reactive to our agenda.

    Your help to meet the campaign fighting fund target of $250,000 will:

    1. Find and engage undecided voters, and convince them to join us!

    2. Drive our campaign message on social media!

    3. Fire up volunteers for the ground campaign!

    If we are going to end the Albanese government after one-term, we need your urgent support.

    And please remember donations of up to $1,500 before the June 30 deadline are tax deductible.



    Andrew Hastie
    Shadow Minister for Defence; Defence Personnel and Defence Industry

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    Your Federal Member for Canning

    Office Address
    2/61 Sutton St, Mandurah WA 6210

    Mail Address
    PO Box 968, Mandurah WA 6210

    (08) 9534 8044

    [email protected]

    Authorised by Andrew Hastie MP
    Liberal Party of Australia
    Mandurah WA

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