Albo appoints another activist as GG., page-36

  1. 85,955 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    if we want a different outcome to the scomo and gg debacle

    then, we need to change the system

    one cannot trust that one will have someone in future in a powerful position to do the 'right thing' when the rules allow for someone to ignore a situation or have to comply with a situation that's not right

    one also has the problem of 'what is the 'right thing''?

    it means different things to different people.

    Aside from the base culture in Oz which has a lot of problems - the real problems in Oz are basically system

    1. Federation
    2. this stupidity of still having the king or queen or reps having anything to do with Australia
    3. a constitution full of holes

    Whilst I think that we needed to fix all of this stuff before being thrown head first into this ultra high speed changing technological era - and I know think that it's too late to save ourselves

    the fact is - that the crappiness of the system still needs a total revamp

    we are trying to run as a nation - when we cannot possibly get off the ground as a hobbling country ----------- it's clear that this ball on the chain of australia has been holding us back for decades ------- many many many decades

    and it's not going to get any better

    Some people have been saying all the while - if it ain't broke, don't fix it

    well, it's been broken from day 1 - and if those who say such things cannot see that oz is badly broken - sold off all it's resource companies, can't house it's people, has an enormous wealth gap, has an economy built on rising house prices and is way overpriced etc etc -

    then, they are truly blind

    the question to any sane mind is not 'do we need a revamp and reset?' -

    the question is 'how the hell would we do it?'

    I have no answer bar one --------------- 'coup'. Then a new constitution and elections
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