Being a positive person I’ve been struggling to find any areas...

  1. 3,127 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 38

    Being a positive person I’ve been struggling to find any areas the liar in the lodge excels. - After all:
    - he can’t lead;
    - he can’t govern;
    - he divides by race;
    - he’s economically illiterate;
    - he’s incompetent;

    I have however identified 2 areas the incompetent git is outstanding:

    1. He is a liar par excellence! Most things that dribble out of the idiots gob are lies - and everything needs to be fact checked. His lies are so repetitive now that come naturally meaning he’s now a bit like Biden - has no idea what’s true or false - he’s spun a twilight world for himself where fact and fiction effortlessly blend together.

    2. Self enrichment. Like all good socialists who like to take credit for spending other peoples money, the liar in the lodge is up there with the best of them. The self interested git has managed to amass a fortune from the public tit - even though he’s never done a real world job in his life. It’s also why he is so out of touch with real battlers.

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