The Bloke is absolutely incompetent and should never have been...

  1. 5,378 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 29
    The Bloke is absolutely incompetent and should never have been made Labor leader let alone PM. Completely out of his depth on all issues - he's a class 'A' dunce!!!!!!
    It's not only Albo who is out of his depth but so too the rest of his motley crew. None have a clue as to what to do about the state of the economy or for that matter any other state of affairs!
    As for Chris Blackouts Bowen, he's a nut case who'd be better locked up in a padded cell - he thinks he's a genius and we know full well when people sprout themselves as being on par with Einstein that you can bet their IQ is approaching that of a Kumquat!!! While the rest of Albo's incompetent crew have a range of vegetable intelligence's
    The phone calls out of the PM's office to other motley crew members daily would suggest they are in panic mode and on top of all that their advisors and public servants who simply rely upon the pubic teat, they haven't a clue either.
    The whole political scene has become a conga line of misinformation from one department to another and until something can be done about the incompetence ingrained within the political scene, then we will continue with the mess we are now enduring!
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