Just a minor correction to your post......."Albonocchio has...

  1. 10,805 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 84
    Just a minor correction to your post.......

    "Albonocchio has taken "full credit" for (the accused sex offender - Julian Assange's) release".

    The accused sex offender was supported by his fans including former PM Kevin Rudd and former ALP Minister Stephen Smith. Taxpayers funded this apparently important reunion of like minded lefties hoping to recoup the money from Australian taxpayers via a 'go fund me' campaign. Rudd and Smith's time in Australia will of course be paid for by you and I.

    It appears our PM and noted ALP luminaries support and believe it is appropriate for said accused sex offender to publish information that jeopardised the lives of Australian and Allied service personnel.

    Albo, Rudd and Smith continue a fine ALP/Union tradition first demonstrated during WW2 where Allied troops, including thousands of Australians, were denied essential supplies by Dock Workers due to their Communist ideologies. Many in the armed forces believe that "....the treachery of waterside workers at Townsville..... (was) responsible for more hardships, shortages and deaths than the Japs”. He slammed them as “gutless traitors”, an assessment which was common among those who went off to war to defend the nation (including my Grandfather who fought at Milne Bay to protect the Communist unions back in Australia).

    Welcome home Julian. No doubt a hero to the left who cares little for the lives of ADF personnel. I don't recommend you attend an Anzac Day service and perhaps Albo will now be despised when he does.

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