Albo makes me sick in the guts, page-220

  1. 47,981 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @szaba_the_hut; re your comment "... I think its important to not prejudice a fair trial ...".


    The trial needs to be fair to all of those impacted - not just one side.

    Nor should the size and might of one party [eg. the government of the USA and its various agencies] be able to completely corrupt democratic processes, as was done in the case of the USA's unrelenting vindictive pursuit of Julian Assange.

    The USA has so undermined the provision of a 'fair trial' that it's even crapped all over the US Constitution and what has for many decades been regarded as the role of the Fourth Estate in western democracies - trashing both as it sought to hide the war crimes and crimes against humanity for which the USA has become the worst offender since Hitler's Third Reich.
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