The NBN is a great thing. Any person with a modicum of knowledge...

  1. 1,366 Posts.

    The NBN is a great thing. Any person with a modicum of knowledge on the subject matter knows this. Sure it's going to cost alot, but anything worthwhile does. Also it has a very long payback period. It will pay for itself in efficiency gains as the years go by.

    The problem with both sides of politics atm and the "aussie" drone populace is that everyone is focusing on public debt, which frankly isn't where our real economic problems lie. Our real problems lie with the high levels of private debt held by the citizenry in unproductive assets.

    The reason Europe, USA etc are economically ruined since 2007 had everything to do with the shifting of private debt to the public balance sheet. We have been able to avoid this by the pure luck of being able to sell commodities to a once in a genration industrialisation of red dragon to our north.

    Public debt is the proverbial in the ocean when compared to private debt.
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