Penny Wong has been very explicit with her reasons for...

  1. 11,738 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    Penny Wong has been very explicit with her reasons for supporting our yes vote. The UN vote was overwhelming for Palestine to proghress toward becoming a state. I don't see any alternate suggestions from the usual culprits? What do they want...another 50 years of blood filling the gutters?
    This why 149 UN members voted Yes for this resolution. Hamas has got zero to do with the vote, and there would obviously need to be fresh monitored elections for a democratic Govt. Don't let the kwits rile you mate as they have zero clue whats going on. Duddo is still in hiding wondering what it was all about.

    Penny Wong quote.
    "Hamas has no place in the future governance of Gaza," Senator Wong added.

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