''I compared that with the peaceful happy peoples that live in...

  1. 88,768 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''I compared that with the peaceful happy peoples that live in the Pacific, namely Polynesia.''

    you did --------- unfortunately --------- your comparison was total shit and they have civil unrest ---------- in short ---------- your raising of the comparison was nothing more than a brainless incorrect derailing waste of oxygen and ink

    and if you indeed wanted to gain some personal education from your wildly incorrect comparison that adds value to the Ozzie cultural problem

    you COULD look at the fantasy cultures in the Sth Pacific that you appear to be out of touch with and note --------

    Australian culture is individualistic
    Your South Pacific cultures are the opposite - they are collective

    so if you think batting for their culture team is a good idea - then, you need to change a whole heap of your boneheaded ideas for Australia

    which means - Australia needs cultural change - which - surprise surprise - was what I've been saying
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