ECT environmental clean technologies limited.

aldp website taken down, page-68

  1. SP3
    18,710 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 306

    I think a lot of people are confused with the ALDP process particularly with some of the terms being thrown around.

    Applicants are expecting confirmation on two phases going forward.

    The first confirmation is "letter of offer" and the other confirmation is "execution of funding agreement".

    Based on the latest update on the DPI website, they are talking about outcome. To me this is in relation to"execution of funding agreement".

    So where ECT says they have not been notified as to whether they have been selected, to me, this means they have no funding agreement yet nor have they been told that they are out. However, there is a possibility ECT has a letter of offer to commence negotiations with a view to receiving funding via a funding agreement. Do you agree?
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