Alice Springs - a disaster, page-158

  1. 254 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 83
    I didn't really want to buy into this mess again, but .....

    WE can be blamed for this, we allowed it to happen, slowly first then now with an unstoppable momentum, sadly.

    The rot started in the early 70's when the lefty do-gooders decided it was right and fair to lift restrictions on booze and to do away with honest, well meaning institutions such as the Missions.

    The lefty indoctrination has continued and fermented, starting in pre-schools and relentlessly continuing thru primary schools and in particular the, once world respected, universities. Our uni rating has plummeted - i wonder why?

    Just take a look at our resident head-master (ret) - a great example right here.

    Our children are brain-washed from the moment they start daycare, they are made to be ashamed of their country from their very start of life.

    Any right wing initiatives are demonised and anyone game enough to stand up are pilloried to the nth degree. Just look at the abuse Tony Abbott gets, and now Jacinta Price - quite shameful in my opinion.

    The police are decimated by abuse - who would ever want to join the force now ?

    The courts are a woke, joke. Zero accountability - no wonder why they run amok.

    Our one proud nation has been split completely - our flag is in the minority, (if you are lucky enough to see one) , completely submerged by indigenous flags.

    We are forced, almost every day, to pay our respects to those - past, present and future - wife beaters and child abusers.

    I was always told the respect was earned NOT forced.

    I think we're stuffed - it's gone too far.

    now sit back & watch the lefties attack me ...
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