Alice Springs - a disaster, page-257

  1. 18,470 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 187
    @Bobbin If I lived in Alice Springs, I would have the same attitude. Luckily I live in a fairly remote State, in a remote suburb, remote from traditional watering places, 'entertainment' areas etc. Of course we do have an Aboriginal population, many of them useful citizens, but our penal institutions are full of young to middle-aged Aboriginal men (and others, too, of course).

    I do have a friend who works in the local prison system and even though he is not allowed to say much, he often comments, that the majority of Aboriginal men (and it's predominantly men who are 'hosted') are recidivist - often a nephew/uncle know one another and welcome each new 'attendee' with an attitude of - "well it is prison, but it is something of a 'resort' with friends, often uncles, fathers already there, etc" - Prisons are one place where they are assured of routine, regular meals - even companionship without violence.
    This is on the lighter side - of course there is violence in the system as well - but he reckons prison will not 'cure' anything. My friend is a kindly and reasonable man - tries to be fair to all - and in company, is congenial - he has no racist attitudes, just states with wry amusement, that imprisonment has little educational effect on its inmates.

    We need to find different ways of healing, both us and our Aboriginal people. Prisons, curfews are not a long-term solution, when you are dealing with youngsters who from toddler age have grown up with having seen or experienced violence, or had their intelligence impaired because of an alcoholic mother and general neglect etc. etc.
    The State, Government, People in general have to help out wherever possible - it will cost more money, but we need to break that cycle of violence young Aboriginal children (and some white ones as well) grow up in - they cannot grow up healthy and well with a bad 'tribe' around them.
    Measures like more punitive laws, more imprisonment have been largely unsuccessful.
    Hectoring on these pages serves no purpose, except to let off steam; steam which could be better directed at improving the human soul and intelligence, in general.

    There are spring shoots of improvement visible everywhere among our Aboriginal brothers/sisters- lets concentrate on their musicians, their art - and yes, do all the ceremonies in the world, if they help, however silly they may strike a Western European who has just about given up on his/her own silly magic rites . . . it's no skin off my nose, if it makes someone happy and feel respected. It's just a matter of being polite, maybe we get the same back.
    Here is hoping . . .

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