ALL CHRISTIANS - Has Elijah returned or not?, page-194

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    So if you were born of the Spirit, not of flesh, what does it look like?

    Against my better judgement, I will probably try to give some thoughts,
    Now then, the flesh mater has a few branches.
    Hebrew, it can mean flesh as in bodily flesh or the same word just sounded different, means Good News, Glade Tidings and it can be bad news.
    You flesh the News.

    Often flesh is referring to man and it would seem, dual meanings in the likes of John 1:14.
    Example, you could rightfully say and based on the Greek order of words in 1:14 --> And the Word flesh (Good News) became and Tabernacled in us, and we held the Glory (Good news, the word of God = Glory) we have dual meanings.

    Now then, Jesus exalted and via inheritance given the name --> The Word of God.
    In the beginning was the Word = 2 Tim 1:9 (example of The Word, part of, thought, reason, plan) - Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before time eternal.
    So that plan and more, became flesh = Jesus and IN Him, Temple and now named the Word of God which represents the whole --> The Word.

    Born of the Spirit, Water-> (word of God) and the word of God is to born of God = Spirit.

    Born of the Spirit --> on outward appearance, physical, no different.
    Actions for one, will Not compromise truth, especially when as far as their concerned, God and Jesus is standing right beside them.
    If you spin a yarn, this action is right before them, your getting away with zero.
    Hence I instill in my daughter, if someone is claiming this and that about you, if you know you can hold your head high, truth etc, the ones that really matter, know the truth = simple's.

    So with the above in mind, we know of the numerous messages Jesus gave that he was given, on how one should be, these should automatically start to flow.
    But it would be a growing and development type thing, however, IMO, if you get slack on feeding ones self, it's easy to slip backwards and let the world things over run you.
    You know the saying, you are who you associate with.
    I also say to my daughter at times if she is not sure on some things, should I say this or that to someone, what would Jesus say = your answer is there in seconds.

    Born of the flesh, your born of Human.
    Bible context, your chasing, perusing the desires of the flesh, mans wants, not God's.

    What do you observe in a flesh born person? Is it just the words they speak or is it more than that?
    Their words along with body language, can tell us a lot, along with there actions, daily etc.
    Example, Growing up, poorish, 1 of 8, little $ etc, and yet my Mother would always be in there feet first, helping others, outsiders, as well as looking after us.
    And then you can get the opposite to that, some of us inherited our mothers straights, suckers lol, and others will use and abuse that, but hey as I said, as long as you can hold your head up, that's what matters.
    Hmm, I better cool it, to much of the me coming in.

    What do you observe in a spirit born person? Is it just the words they speak or is it more than that?
    Hopefully, from the above you will be able to draw my thoughts on that one
    From what I gather, that which is born of flesh is flesh, 1st Adam - not life eternal.

    Hence, this is where some more meaning and understanding of John 1:14, should kick in.
    Jesus was the 2nd Adam = Man = Flesh = that which is born of flesh is Flesh, not life eternal.

    John 12:49 - For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.
    John 7:16 - Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.
    John 14:24 - He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

    And these words, The Word, are Spirit and Life, words of eternal life John 6:63 & 68.

    So the Word (John 1:1 And God was the Word), came in the Temple, Flesh = Of Jesus, they were not his own fleshly words.
    John 14:10 = (1:14) - Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

    The Truth and simplicity of the of John 1:14 and as clear as Day = Light, but sadly, corrupted beyond belief.

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