Your denial Chum is, as clearly SHOWN to you via THE BIBLE, the...

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    Your denial Chum is, as clearly SHOWN to you via THE BIBLE, the plan, thought, reason, the hidden mystery hidden IN God, The Word became flesh.
    There is no way you can deny Jesus's clarity in John 14:10 of John 1:14, if you are claiming to be OF God.

    You lied, by falsely claiming I added "IN" in 1:14 of which you are avoiding like the plague.

    YOU mate, need to get a grasp of the contexts of Word, The Word and The Word of God.

    Beginning was Word as in The Word = The one and only --> Almighty God and Father.
    And from Word (The Aleph Tav) "The" Word comes --> The Word which includes, refers to all of The Word of God.

    All of the word of God, Glory as in 2 Tim 1:9, the same, this plan was in the Beginning with God.

    You chum, are denying, the plan, thought, reason, hidden mystery came in the Temple, denying despite Jesus's own words, He was the Temple.

    You are denying he was given The Word/Spirit without measure.
    To say the Spirit/Word then become Jesus, is to say --> I give you an apple and you stupidly turning around and telling us all, YOU are now this beeping apple = grow up and grab a brain tongue.png

    And you suggest I need help, OH my, oh my, NOT if your idea of help is anything to go by, I'll pass mate hahaha

    Your not to bright sometimes --> take note of the likes of Jesus's words, yes the Man Jesus, the 2nd Adam = Man;
    That which is born of Flesh IS Flesh, now I assume you know the end results of THAT = not life eternal.

    So if Jesus spoke His own word, words, YOU mate would be done and dusted, Hence;

    Deu 18:18 -
    I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
    John 12:49 - For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.
    John 17:22 - And the glory--> (The Word) which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

    These words, not Jesus's were Spirit and Life, words of eternal life.
    You are born again via the word of God 1 Peter 1:23 and born again via the Spirit John 3:5 = they are one in the same and mean;
    John 1:13 - Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

    By Jesus being given The Word =
    John 5:26 For AS the Father has life In Himself (JOHN 1:4), so has he GIVEN to the Son to have life in himself = After, or by Baptism timing, where he received the Spirit/Word without measure which also then meant;
    John 12:46 - I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.

    Almighty God and Fathers --> Psa 119:105 - Thy wordis a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

    Ding Dong Tonio, once again, you are UNABLE to counter the above WITH the word of God, the Bible.

    PS> Child, God in no way shape of from, can and will become MAN = Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    As for Jesus literally being there in the Beginning, are you telling us ALL, God LIED to Moses, in the above?
    Show us in the likes of Due 18:18, where there is even a single HINT of a pre-existing one, other than in the mind and plans of God, come on, PRODUCE.

    OH and IF you come this rubbish, Due is only speaking of the man to be aspect, then once again, produce the word of God to support this said RUBBISH, come on, cough it up.
    The beginning of Jesus, Matt, Mark, Luke, are they liars as well?

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