ALL CHRISTIANS - Has Elijah returned or not?, page-364

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Twas just going back through some posts as the feeling to me being, I'm becoming a parrot, repeating and repeating the same points, and many of those points, despite them being points raised via You, side lines, many of them you never addressed.
    So effectively, we have been spinning around on a merry go round, coming back, basically to the same point.

    Anyway, I spotted this post of yours, of which I must have missed, you have totally taken out of context of what I have said, and effectively responded in a bit of a mocking way, or as some might say, in a smart a.. way.
    That's how it looks, to me;

    Therefore, no question about it, the evil has got to try and mimic the good.
    Now then, if we back up to what I said it's all about, the evil trying to mimic etc and when I say mimic, wolf in sheeps clothing

    So, wotsup, what is the "evil" you see in sheeps clothing that Baha'is do not see?
    Now this question of yours, looks very much like a side track, deviation off what I had said and Not addressing it.
    Your claiming your faith is the real thing based on the works etc of your faith, community minded etc.
    I was putting it to you, that could very well be the Wolf in sheeps clothing, as the key and necessary truths, FRUIT has been Tossed, hence the Wolf.

    So people, families that are having a rough trot, the vulnerable etc, would possibly jump in there head first, someone cares etc.

    This is an evil???
    Once again and I say intentionally, side stepping the points I was putting forward.
    They get drawn in, on false hopes, due to them being vulnerable etc.
    Keep in mind, the following is the aim and centered around, MUST BE truths.
    Titus 1:2 - In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before time eternal;
    Not just the next day etc.

    .....helping each other, like one big happy family.

    This is an evil???
    Repeat, as above, decoy etc.

    So the Key factor, based on the beginning, seems to stem around that word TRUTH.

    No, not truth, because before truth was oneness, unity.
    Then the truth was revealed. I think you are making a lot of assumptions here wotsup....
    Again, avoidance, smarty pants.
    Adam and Eve were fed a pork pie, hence clearly, truth is non negotiable.
    John 17:3 - This now is the eternal life, that they should know You, the Only true God and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.
    John 4:23 -24 -
    But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
    Spirit the God (is): and they that worship him must worshiphim in spirit and in truth.

    So right off the bat, so to speak Kam, this claim we all have the same God, is simply NOT of God.

    I never said that we all speak of the same God. Someone's God is Michael Jordan, and that's not the same God as the One, Ultimate Reality God that is the same God that has revealed Himself to all populations unfailing in His love for all of Creation.
    Again, diversion, smart ..., knowing full well what you have previously said, and would have known FULL WELL, what I was referring to and addressing.
    And that was certainly not in the context of this rubbish, Michael Jordan etc.
    All the hallmarks of avoiding addressing a valid point made, BASED on the Bible, via me.

    Many of your replies, came across like this and the side points you raise and get replies to, are more often than not, not addressed.
    Keep in mind, ones words are of the spirit of them, hence the testing of the spirits.

    But having said all of the above, I am not the least bit surprised as I see it, often from others.
    I smell it in an instant wink.png

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