or AHHH.....Howard haters in over their headsAugust 19, 2004The...

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    or AHHH.....

    Howard haters in over their heads
    August 19, 2004

    The PM will relish a rerun of the refugee issue in this election, writes Miranda Devine.

    Hating John Howard has become an industry. You just have to log on to the anti-Howard website Johnhowardlies.com to see the spin-offs. You can pledge amounts from $2 to "keep the site running", a poor-man's Michael Moore litany of conspiracy theories and dastardly Johnny deeds.

    There are ads on the site for such books as John Howard's Little Book of Truth, and Not Happy, John. There's even a double-CD - Rock against Howard - with the musicians giving profits to "pro-refugee and anti-Howard charities" in an attempt to get rid of "that little ball of hate with eyebrows, Johnny Howard".

    So this week's allegations from the former federal public servant Mike Scrafton that Howard lied about children being thrown overboard from an asylum seeker boat before the last election fell on fertile ground. No wonder Howard told broadcaster John Laws this week: "I'm the great Satan of Australian politics in the eyes of a section of the Australian public."

    For a long-time, Howard haters have been an electoral bonus for the him because they were so intemperate. When the slick inner-urban elites and their media counterparts derided Howard, it seemed only to reinforce the fact he was the insider's outsider. Howard was reviled as a liar and a racist before the last election but, as he said, he won the "greatest two-party preferred swing to an incumbent government since 1966".

    In their eagerness to topple Howard, his critics may again be tripping themselves up. Embattled as he is said to be, Howard yesterday on ABC radio seemed to relish the prospect of bogging down the ALP in a rerun of the refugee issues that dogged the 2001 election. "If they want to live in the past, if they want to fight the next election on the past, I invite them to do so," he said

    It is worth delving into that past to understand what this week's children overboard furore is about.

    Remember the front-page story on many papers on election day, November 10, 2001? Two women had drowned and 160 people were rescued by the Australian navy on November 8, after a boat carrying asylum seekers had caught alight.

    The official navy report of the incident said the Indonesian-registered fishing boat - the Sumbar Lestari - had been deliberately set alight by passengers after being intercepted by a navy patrol boat and ordered to turn back. (Doubts emerged later about whether the fire was deliberately lit but the Immigration Minister, Philip Ruddock, said fuel lines were cut on the boat, causing a fire which ignited a fuel drum.)

    The boat was known as SIEV 10 (suspected illegal entry vessel 10) and the desperate efforts of the people on board to disable their boat so as to avoid being turned away from Australian waters, was understood to be part of a pattern of behaviour which had emerged on several previous SIEVs.

    For the previous three days, Howard and his Government had been condemned for claiming asylum seekers on SIEV 4 had thrown a child into the water on October 7 when there was no evidence that was the case. But the tragedy of SIEV 10 on election eve made the argument seem academic.

    The fact is that on SIEV 4, 76 children had to be rescued from the water by the navy after their boat was sunk. The distinction between whether children were thrown overboard or dumped in the water after their boat was sabotaged has never resonated with the heartland.

    Nonetheless, "children overboard" dominated the last few days of the election, Howard's credibility was questioned and a Senate inquiry into A Certain Maritime Incident ensued.

    A dissenting appendix to the report, issued by the Liberal senator George Brandis, details the SIEV 4 incident, along with 14 others dating from September 7 to December 20. Brandis's information should be treated with caution, as it is based on reports given to the inquiry of what navy personnel thought they saw in the heat of the moment. But it does reveal a "pattern of conduct" by boat people and people smugglers which includes sabotage of their boats.

    When the navy's boarding party took control of SIEV 4 and steered it towards Indonesia, the people on board "were angry, disappointed and making veiled threats to commit suicide, gesturing with wooden sticks and being very vocal".

    "[T]he vessel was continually being sabotaged. The steering and the engines were disabled at various times. Vandalism and arson had been conducted, and continued." Finally the boat began to sink rapidly.

    HMAS Adelaide's crew then rescued 223 people, including 76 children, remarkably "with no loss of life", states the Brandis appendix.

    Then there was SIEV 7, intercepted by HMAS Bunbury in the vicinity of Ashmore Island on October 22, which "was notable as a child was dropped overboard by a woman aboard". The child was retrieved by a man already in the water.

    On October 31 SIEV 9 was detected near Ashmore Island. Fuel lines had been cut and a boarding party from HMAS Arunta could not repair the engine. The appendix reports: "A riot occurred during which the passengers attempted to kick out the sideboard panels of the vessel. At the same time, a man was observed leaning over the port guardrail with his arms extended holding an infant over the side of the vessel, apparently threatening to drop the child overboard."

    Other incidents on SIEV 9 included a hunger strike, threats to boarding party members, and self-harm. "However, it is the frequency and severity of incidents involving children which is notable in regard to this vessel." In one incident a "passenger is reported to have threatened to throw a child overboard if not permitted to cook his own food."

    These incidents, barely reported at the time, occurred just six weeks or so after the Tampa incident on August 26, 2001. The Norwegian freighter rescued 433 boat people - mostly Afghans - from their stricken vessel. The captain was pressured by some asylum seekers to take them to Christmas Island, but when they entered Australian waters, the Special Air Service boarded the freighter and moved the asylum seekers to a troop carrier, taking them eventually to Nauru.

    The Tampa crisis, as it came to be known, was widely regarded as an electoral plus for Howard, showing him to be tough on border protection.

    If asylum seekers become an issue in the upcoming election, Howard-haters may be disappointed.
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