Snooker! That's exactly the arrogance I mean; the arrogance that...

  1. 1,166 Posts.
    Snooker! That's exactly the arrogance I mean; the arrogance that appals me. Bad luck! Yeah but whose bad luck in the long run? Yours? Mine? HC?
    Like I said flag waving shows a righteous person. I am right and you are wrong. YOU'VE got it wrong and you won't listen. No, we don't want our boys and girls in Iraq to cop anything. We want them to come home safe. No, we don't want the Iraqi boys, girls, women and children to cop anything, no we don't want the US boys and girls to cop anything. We want them all to go home to their families: safe and sound.
    Yes, we can't stand coward Howard and slimy Bush and their war cabinets and eventually the truth will emerge about their dirty deeds. I love Howard's platitude: Take out on me! The bastard will be out of the picture by the time the common folk will be give the right to say anything -that's we we're still a monarchy!
    No we're not anti-Israel but you push this time and time again but some of us have had enough. We try to tell you that we're against your sort. I don't know every jew in existence and I certainly am in tune with a great many jewish intellectuals but your mimuscule mind will go on chanting the same mantra: "Oh, me, oh, my, they don't love me!" They must anti-semitic. Give us a break boy!
    By stopping these sonorous admonitions, the chest beating the threads and the wave swinging we might be able to get to your message. your side of the story as you say. Try it. Stop the noise and speak. Just speak! No incendiary cut and paste, just speak... or just leave.
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