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all of life's glory comes from daring to begin

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    The Chronicle Herald.CA
    H John Harker.

    Sixty years ago,in a different time of challenge and
    tension,Great Statesmen gathered around a common purpose
    and created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

    In doing so,they showed how worthy they were of the
    mantle fashioned not long before,by a trio of leaders
    who mastered the North Atlantic in war and ensured that
    it would see us safe from totalitarian domination.

    President Roosevelt,PM Churchill and PM Mackenzie King
    met in Quebec City in 1943.They knew that the North
    Atlantic could save us all.Its the same today.

    The existential threat we face,however,is not armed
    might of a hostile power.

    Its our seeming inability to both provide our peoples
    with secure,clean,energy and slow to a halt the
    polluting of our environment and the warming of our

    Can our leaders,successors in office to the great trio
    of 1943,meet and overcome the threat we currently face.

    Yes,if they turn, as did their predecessors,to the North
    Atlantic,truly an ocean of destiny.

    The port of Sydney,Nova Scotia, served as a major convoy
    staging point when Roosevelt,Churchill and Mackenzie-
    King set about winning the battle of the Atlantic.

    It has its name to the Sydney coal field a vast deposit
    of quality coal under the water of the North Atlantic
    stretching from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland and Labrador.

    This deposit,amounting to 150 BT, cannot be mined,and nor
    should it be in this carbon conscious era.

    But the energy it contains can be accessed,and must be,
    if we are to enjoy secure clean energy and protect our

    Here's how,Technology now exists through which we can
    safely burn the undersea coal where it is,leaving the
    ash behind where once was the coal,and clean harvesting
    the synthetic gas,or syngas, which would be given off
    in huge quantities.

    The technological process is UCG,which converts coal
    in-situ into gas and because of the in-situ chemical
    conversion process,the syngas is low in many contaminants
    normally associated with burning coal such as sulphur,
    tar, particulates and mercury.These are mostly left in-
    situ with the ash.

    And syngas is made up,in equal measure,of natural gas
    we are familiar with and hydrogen now touted as the
    cleanest possible fuel source,vital to future prosperity
    from California to Colchester.

    Carbon dioxide is present but can be captured and set
    apart joining the ash itself under the ocean floor,to
    remain there undisturbed.

    In conventional mining,ash management can be costly as
    well as problematic.The economics of UCG are very
    favorable at today's energy prices,not next years,a mere
    50 mt of undersea coal will produce $250 Million worth
    of clean energy for 25 years and there are a least 250
    blocks of 50 MT in the Sydney coal field.

    The deposit could be exploited massively for many years
    enabling us to transition to a fossil-free low carbon

    And as we do so,it will be possible to similarly clean
    harvest undersea coal fields elsewhere,along part of the
    UK coastline,or in the Gulf of ST.Lawrence,estimated to
    hold a further 200 BT.

    Yes this takes technology,but it is available,it takes
    capital,but this is affordable.IT ALSO TAKES LEADERSHIP.

    Is this available? are the President of the U.S.,PM of
    Britain and the PM of Canada,men that their predecessors

    Will they meet,perhaps in Halifax,and see in the Sydney
    coal field what their predecessors saw in the water of
    the North Atlantic,the battle ground they could and must
    [H John Harker is president and vice chancellor of Cape
    Breton Uni in Atlantic Canada and serves as an exc/comm
    member of Canada's national Research Council.[[end]

    Powerful stuff one wonders where Canberra's thinking is
    at present,we know they are talking...then again perhaps
    that's all they are capable of.


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