HCT 0.00% 2.4¢ holista colltech limited

Once again read previous announcements.Ooh-Medical was July...

  1. 514 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 130
    Once again read previous announcements.

    Ooh-Medical was July before registration for NHS would come back. They have not made any kind of numbers deal until this happens.

    They will announce full sales of all products at end of next Month.

    AI Sanitising robots are due for possible agreement in July. Eight Mercatus are already showing they are investing their time in the product.

    plus then we have all the other products finally selling.

    trades today were only 760,000 units. On news we are trading 75,000,000. It really is a patience game. Long term was always the time frame for a great return.

    anyways this is how I feel and I’ll keep it sitting here waiting.
    Last edited by shaftgopu: 19/06/20
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