All's not well in China, page-169

  1. 22,360 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    Such a report is typical of Bloomberg simply because
    US corporations are not allowed to plunder the corporate
    profits without a Chinese partner & paying Corporate Tax.

    Its different here in Aus.

    (By the Indonesia has a similar gig requiring Multinationals
    to take on a 51% Indonesian partner thereby sharing equity
    and technology within 10 years of start-up but
    we dont mention that , presumably because the Indonesian
    Government is not Communist!)

    IMO the failure of a western market economy critique
    on China is simply that; we measure the Chinese economy by
    the US yardstick .

    The Chinese hybrid economy led by the one party CCP
    has the runs on the board; not only in historic GDP growth
    but more importantly social equity in that it has taken Ove
    800 million (3 times the total population of the USA) out of abject
    poverty in a generation .....something that has never been done before.

    Now lets do a reverse comparison:

    Supposing that the USA had $600 Billion/P/A of a trade surplus,
    owned over 30 % of global manufacturing and trade and held
    $3.2 Trillion (USD) of Chinese currency & Treasuries....what
    would we be saying I wonder?

    The anti-China bigots would be saying:
    -Drop the Yuans and Chinese treasuries, knock the ass
    out of their value which would cause rampant Chinese Inflation,
    debunk the CCP and split up China into a gaggle of rump states.

    But of course China is not doing that to the USA...(yet)

    There is a currency/economic war happening between the US
    & China (led by the USA that wants to stymie China growth because
    the US knows that its growth going forward is buggered with the
    short term sugar hit of $2 Trillion a year deficit spending (AKA Debt)
    just keeping it afloat.

    If the USA were to increase taxes by $2 Trillion a year it would be
    Brown Bread within a decade, IMO.

    Its rather ironic that the US presents itself as the global citadel of Capitalism
    while it uses Keynesian Economics , deficit spending ,
    (Socialism) to goose an ailing economy.

    And IMO its also ironic that we here in Aus criticise China for an oversupply
    of housing while our 3 levels of Government is at wits end to meet
    our drastic housing shortage.

    Our family home ought not be a source of wealth accumulation; otherwise
    it should be taxed at the capital gains rate, IMO.

    In summary we are making a mistake by measuring the Chinese
    with the US Yardstick .....the US being predominantly a private enterprise economy
    and China being a 50/50 hybrid...50% private but heavily regulated and
    50% State Capitalism .

    IMO rather than us US style forecasts (which by the way
    were worth diddly squat in the zeroes and leading out of the GFC) its better
    to judge China on its record/trajectory.

    Its BRI & "Made in China 2025" are 2 amazing mega economic programs;
    something that a Western Democracy could never achieve because
    of the short term political cycle which snookers long term bi-partisan planning.

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