of course its not what you said squidd.... but it is the...

  1. 47,148 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 649
    of course its not what you said squidd.... but it is the alternative to care for people with disabilities. that system wasn't spoken of very often, but it was a horrid place to work and even worse fro the 'residents'. many others, traditionally, were discreetly hidden from view, unable or disallowed from be exposed to the world. family shame and all that.

    its this that the NDIS has ended. the state disability services were never adequately funded or geared to enable people. the NDIS is the culmination of the protests of thousands (or silent millions) of people unable to move in the community, unable to access important daily routines of we who have strong legs and fully functioning bodies.

    I wasn't intending to suggest it's what you said, but that was what the NDIS changed in one short decade. now we haver people with disabilities in parliament and offices around the country. what a remarkable change is what we lose if the NDIS is abolished.
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