ALP,Get-Up,Not4sale Campaign of lies.

  1. 46,405 Posts.
    Keep Queensland green free and Labor in the Tarago.

    "The ALP, GetUp, Not4Sale and their green cohorts have been making accusations that New Acland's parent company made donations of $700,000.00 to the LNP. Yet there are no listings with the AEC for those amounts. The said payments were made to the Federal Liberal party not the LNP. The Alp and co have been lying directly to the people of Queensland. If they wish to continue to lie and they believe they have the evidence , then by all means put the facts on the table for all to see. The ALP do not have any hard facts, they are running a campaign based upon lies and assumptions. They say making assumptions makes an ass of you, in this case it is true.
    When will the ALP have the courage, integrity and honesty to run a campaign based of facts rather than misinformation, old data used out of text and blatant lies. I ask, no I challenge any ALP member to come to this page and actually tell it straight to the people. The people deserve your honesty at least, even if your policies may be lacking in substance. The challenge is out there, will the ALP respond or will they simply continue with the lies."
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