ALP's nuclear scare campaign the voice failure repeated?, page-7

  1. 7,031 Posts.
    There's a strong chance that Dutton is aiming to do what Howard did with the GST. A 2 election play.

    Labor's initial scare campaign will probably have a short term gain which will possibly see them win the next election with a small majority. Thereby avoiding the horror of a laborite/green disaster. .... possibly.....

    But as blackouts bite and the pristine trees are felled and native animals are decimated then the scare campaign will transition to a stinker.

    laborites like professor andrew lee have been reduced to laughing stocks by claiming that we will get 3 eyed koalas. After all he is claiming that Europe is choc full of 3 eyed animals. These are has-beens, yesterday's men, unfit to be anywhere near leadership.
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