Michael Williamson and Craig Thomson's lies, damned lies and...

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    Michael Williamson and Craig Thomson's lies, damned lies and barefaced cheek

    The HSU's Michael Williamson and Craig Thomson got away with far more than they were charged for.

    On Monday former Health Services Union head Michael Williamson will be presenting the pitch of a lifetime in an attempt to stay out of jail.

    Having squandered millions of dollars of union funds, last year Williamson was dealt a ''Go Directly to Jail'' card when he pleaded guilty to defrauding the union he once ran as his personal fiefdom.

    The former federal president of the ALP knows he won't be collecting the $200, but he has been preoccupied preparing material to convince a judge that he does not belong behind bars.

    The truth of the matter is that he and Craig Thomson, his former underling at the union, who is also facing imprisonment, got away with far more than they have been pinged for.

    This is not a criticism of police, who have done a remarkable job, it is just a reality. Potential witnesses have died and documents have been destroyed.

    Strike Force Carnarvon was formed in 2011 after Fairfax Media revealed both men received American Express cards from a major supplier to the union, which may have constituted a secret commission, a jailable offence.

    After the police investigation started, Williamson instructed the suppliers, John and Carron Gilleland, to destroy any American Express card statements. They refused and instead assisted police.

    The American Express cards were initially the major focus of the investigation but police soon found that due to the passage of years, there was a paucity of financial records to pursue criminal charges. Instead, they found a treasure trove of other fraudulent dealings Williamson had been involved in.

    As is often the case, the cover-up is worse than the crime. Many of Williamson's criminal charges related to his clumsy attempts to thwart the police investigation. During a police raid in the union's headquarters, Williamson was caught with a suitcase full of documents which he had asked his son to smuggle out.

    Inside the suitcase were invoices, bodgied-up to try to cover Williamson's tracks on the funds he had used to maintain his family's lavish lifestyle. For years, Williamson and his wife had used union funds for luxury cars, private schools for his five children, first-class travel and overseas holidays.

    As if that was not enough, for years the union coughed up for Williamson's wining and dining of his mistress Cheryl McMillan, who was also employed by the union.

    Thomson's prolonged attempts to cover up his own criminality went on for years. Last month, crown prosecutor Lesley Taylor, SC, closed her submission in Thomson's criminal trial by telling the court Thomson had incriminated himself by lying about his conduct in media interviews.

    His barrister Greg James, QC, tried to play down the extent of Thomson's deceits by saying that his client was trying to save his ''failing marriage, public image, parliamentary seat [and] political candidature''.

    However, when the federal MP stood up to address Parliament, his voice quavering with concocted emotion, Thomson chose the following words: ''Members of this House have a clear obligation to uphold and respect the rule of law.''

    He himself had no such respect. He told the packed Parliament: ''Turning to credit cards and escorts, I have consistently from day one denied any wrongdoing in relation to these issues. I make it clear - and I hope I have already by painting a picture - that I had many enemies in the HSU.''

    He also blamed the media for false accusations against him. ''I know that sitting up there we have a whole range of CSI journalists who think that they are the Inspector Clouseaus of the world.''

    Thomson was also happy to lie behind the scenes. While on a $24,000 taxpayer-funded overseas study trip in April 2011, the findings of which he plagiarised in his report to Parliament, Thomson phoned Fair Work Australia.

    From his luxurious hotel room in Paris, he told Fair Work Australia that Fairfax Media had settled a defamation case he had brought against it because it had discovered his signatures on credit cards used to pay for prostitutes were forged. This lie was aimed at getting Fair Work Australia to drop its investigation.

    The truth was Thomson realised Fairfax had obtained overwhelming evidence against him and he decided it was provident to pull out of the case.

    Inspector Clouseau would be pleased that, despite his bumblings, the two former union high-fliers are facing a stint in jail. As the inspector said in The Pink Panther: ''Yes, politics. Where greed wears the mask of morality.''

    Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/comment/michael-williamson-and-craig-thomsons-lies-damned-lies-and-barefaced-cheek-20140228-33qy6.html#ixzz2ufDW1tsA

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