Alternative Medicine Kills, page-26

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    The Medicine of History: Sick Royalty, Pandemics & More…

    ..Where Are We Today?

    This glorious history of research and achievement makes one wonder what has happened to medicine today? It is so fettered by absurd, racketeering laws, greed and scientific fraud that I truly believe medicine has lost its way.

    Take the AIDS epidemic, carefully curated and nurtured, to generate vast billions for the creepy investors (and exploited by the victims of AIDS).

    The vaccine abuse, where mainly worthless medicines are not only lied about but increasingly forced upon a wary and alert public. I mean, what other industry is allowed BY LAW to force its product on you, at gunpoint, whether you want it or not?

    The low-fat frenzy of the last forty years, faked by a crooked scientist (Ancel Keys) in the pay of the food industry, which cares nothing about the hundreds of millions of people killed as a result, just their own profits.

    The Cancer Industry. It has nothing to offer but fear and bankruptcy, yet is nailed in place by grotesque laws, that make it illegal to turn to safe and possibly-effective alternatives (nobody has PROVED that herbs and holistic medicines don’t work but it has been PROVED—by their very own publications—that orthodox treatment is largely ineffective).

    The statins scam. It earns more money for Big Pharma than any other branch of their mischief, yet it is propped up by fake and manipulated science (a lot of it from Sir Rory Collins’ fake empire of lies). Statins do nothing whatever for women or for men who have not had a heart attack. Yet it causes dangerous and often-ignored side-effects. The miserably small benefit for men who have had a heart attack is eclipsed by just brushing your teeth 3 times a day, which reduced heart attacks and strokes by 40%. Statins can’t come even CLOSE to this figure.

    The overuse of antibiotics. Unquestionably, antibiotics were the greatest medical discovery of all time. Penicillin alone has saved billions of lives. It’s the most remarkable drug ever discovered. Yet, as we all know, stupid and reckless use of these miracle drugs has all but spent their usefulness to us today. The golden age of antibiotics is over..

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