Always was, always will be!, page-16

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    @Kaunas - I shouldn't wade onto what I consider dangerous grounds:

    . . . . it is a little too late, migration is happening, will happen, whether we legislate against it or not.
    One could also say that a lot of 'Western wars' have caused a lot of humanity to leave their native lands for reasons of either losing their home, or having to leave because 'another' has taken over -

    Prior to that some migration into Europe (see @Joannie's post) is the result of Europe's former invasion of exotic countries, occupying them, exploiting them, and then at the onset of the 20th century losing them. The British (and I think also the French) had initially granted 'citizenship' to the inhabitants of those 'colonies' - which right they began to exercise in ever bigger numbers, when they decided to pick up their thongs and move to the 'motherland' which offered a better lifestyle; Britain, France had to accept them - Britain with more grace than most.

    After WWII Western Europe needed workers for the nastier and more menial jobs and their booming economies, they welcomed people from: first Yugoslavia, then Turkey - and never thought these people would actually get comfortable, make homes etc. in 'their' country and stay. That formed the basis of migration patterns into most of Europe - work-based and no provisions made for the 'workers' to stay, not a single thought given to that possibility, no thought given to the impact a lot of migration would have on their schools, education systems (average IQ in most European countries has dropped slightly, because schools have too many students who struggle year after year simply with aquiring the local language - they return after the long holidays having to re-learn the official language again, because 'at home' they speak their parents language, who are usually uneducated peasants, some illiterate).

    So: active attempts at integrating these people were not made - then - and now Europeans are bitterly regretting the fact that the unceasing stream of newcomers from the East want to establish their own culture. By virtue of their numbers and their religion, they will outbreed the former 'natives' -

    The shift to right-wing views in Europe stems from that - competition in the lower classes for living quarters, schools, kindergarten (where the menu now prohibits 'pork' - a favourite of all Europeans!) is fierce, emotions are running high. There will be more right-wing people in government, but also more representatives of the newcomers.

    If the world didn't already have enough population (too much in fact, as a species we have been too successful) I would say - let it happen - Europe has always attracted invaders from the East, who eventually settled and became fierce Europeans (Hungarians are a good example of that).
    If the native culture wasn't strong enough, then it is survival of the fittest, or simple a numbers game.

    BUT we are all in this, there are too many of us and we need to influence the newcomers. Right-wing governments will just stir up hatred which isn't going to achieve anything except blood-shed and just bad blood all round.
    Legislation, restriction of childbirths, some laws forbidding females to wear that ridiculous 'mummery' by both women and men - - no indulgence on TV for 'colourful' islamic dress - it isn't colourful in their countries of origin!!! Building restrictions on the numbers of mosques - mandatory schooling in citizenship, laws and language for their preachers - some check on what they are preaching . ..

    Unfortunately only a right-wing government will have the courage to begin legislating in this way - I am not a right-winger, but recently went down 'the valley' and was simply shocked what I saw in 3 shopping centers - 50 % of the food shops were muslim, halal etc. and the dress code was alien - I only saw one large family group, but it was Friday, which is their holy day, so shops were closing, shoppers were few, but enough to be noticeable.
    We do not want to see our culture stolen by stealth and passive resistance, while we are looking on, it will impoverish all of us, if we let this happen.

    To end on a positive note: I have a belief, that the newcomers will catch the 'culture' bug of being a 'Westerner' or 'European' and will integrate, have fewer children in the next generation, will want to holiday, get an education etc. I know one such typical German family this happened to, with one of their daughters marrying a Turk after WWII (he was repatriated after living in Germany for many years, but they had a family, who remained with the mother, and both girls have typical Western jobs, one is a lawyer, I don't know about the other one - there are 2 grandchildren - so no outrageous 'breeding') This is a family whose father was a prominent Nazi under Hitler and they were all very German even down to the names they gave their children, which read like something from a Nordic Saga . . . . handsome kids they were too, and so are the 'mixed' kids, just no longer blond. Maybe a slightly darker hue in our skin colour might make us more fit to deal with climate change?

    Go well

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