Am I evil, wanton or just retarded., page-100

  1. 1,530 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    answer is simple
    you were never converted to be a christian otherwise you would not be saying gods word is b.s. and yes you will face judgement like all of us only difference is that thoese who have humbled themselves and repented are justified( pardoned) and will join king jesus in paradise it doesent matter if you read the bible 10 times go to church morning and night give all your assets to a church - charity or what you have done
    we are saved bu one thing alone
    the grace of god through our faith in jesus the christ romans 1
    and it is only then that god opens our eyes to understand his word
    god is angry with this world and with australia they exchanged the truth of god for a lie
    and god in his anger handed them over to their wicked desire for women to do unnatural things in the same way men abandoned natural thing with womenand were inflamed withwith lusts for one another
    he3 gave them over to every kind of wickedness evil and greed and depravity
    god haters insolent arrogant they invented ways of doing evil
    they are sensless faithless heartless and ruthless
    they not only continue to do these things but approve of those who do these things
    is ssm ringing in your ears
    affairs softened from adultry afterall no one gets hurt
    really ask the families that are broken apart wives children and fathers
    murder rape child molesting reduced to mental illness
    we were once known as a christian nation no longer
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