A man and his wife were traveling down the highway when they saw...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    A man and his wife were traveling down the highway when they saw the lights of a patrol car behind them.
    When they pulled over, the patrol man came up to the window and said,
    "I am going to give you two tickets. One because you were speeding and one because you didn't have your seat belt fastened."
    The man said, "I did too have my seat belt fastened. I just loosened it when you came up to the car."
    The Patrol Man said to the man's wife, "I know he didn't have his seatbelt fastened. Isn't that right, lady?"
    She replied,
    "Well, officer. I learned a long time ago not to argue with my husband when he's drunk."

    A police officer pulls over this guy who had been weaving in and out of the lanes.
    He goes up to the guy's window and says, "Sir, I need you to blow into this breathalyzer tube."
    The man says, "Sorry officer I can't do that.
    I am an asthmatic.
    If I do that I'll have a really bad asthma attack."
    "Okay, fine. I need you to come down to the station to give a blood sample."
    "I can't do that either. I am a hemophiliac.
    If I do that, I'll bleed to death."
    "Well, then we need a urine sample."
    "I'm sorry officer I can't do that either.
    I am also a diabetic.
    If I do that I'll get really low blood sugar."
    "Alright then I need you to come out here and walk this white line."
    "I can't do that, officer."
    "Why not?"
    "Because I'm too drunk to do that."

    Q: What is a drunk man's idea of a balanced diet?
    A: A Budweiser in each hand!

    Q: Whats the difference between Amy Winehouse and Captain Morgan?
    A: Captain Morgan comes alive when you add coke!

    Q: What did the bartender say after Charles Dickens ordered a martini?
    A: "Olive or twist?"

    Q: What did the bartender say after a book walked into the bar?
    A: "Please, no stories!"

    A Shot of Whiskey A man walks into a bar and orders a shot
    of whiskey then looks into his pocket. He does this over and over again.
    Finally, the bartender asks why he orders a shot of whiskey and
    afterwards look into his pocket. The man responded,
    "I have a picture of my wife in there and when she
    starts to look good then i'll go home."

    A man leaves a bar, gets into his car and drives away.
    A mile down the road, he's stopped by a police officer.
    The officer walked up to the driver's side window holding a Breathalyzer and said: "Good evening sir. We're testing for drunk driving. Would you please blow into this machine?"
    The man says: "Sorry officer, but I can't do that. I have asthma. If I blow in that machine, I will get out of air."
    "Okay, fine. I need you to come down to the station to give a blood sample", said the officer.
    "I can't do that. I have anemia and if you stick a needle in me I will bleed to death."
    "Well, then we need a urine sample."
    "I'm sorry officer, I can't do that either. I am also a diabetic. If I do that I'll get really low blood sugar."
    "Alright... then you'll have to get out and walk 5 yards along this white line."
    "I can't do that either, officer."
    The officer was getting irritated... "And why not?"
    "Because I'm dead drunk."
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