ANL 0.00% 0.1¢ amani gold limited

Amani Gold, page-10

  1. jj2
    1,735 Posts.

    A good summary of the likely developments... including follow-up deeper drilling and some shallow step-out scout holes... BUT

    I couldn't see a CR.. that's for sure.! Quarterly just released shows $9.58 m in the bank.... and with expected expenditure for the next 3 months at around 1.75 m -- We have plenty of cash in the bank..!!

    Im agreeing.. again.. with Freehold, that there are many newbies to HC with limited posts.. and more often than not.. having a negative slant on posts.. probably to talk something down, or at the very least trying to create doubt in a stock that is looking mighty promising..

    Some ppl just miss the (first) boat.. and so if want to get in.. need to pay up..!

    That's what I see.. musings.. and very interesting share trading in the last few weeks. Big volume accumulated during the day.. heading up.. then a mini-dump to square the SP...

    Cash a plenty in this one.. Options well in the money.. Drilling continuing..
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