an opinion piece from bloombergAmerica Is Losing the Battle of...

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    an opinion piece from bloomberg

    America Is Losing the Battle of the Red Sea

    A radical, quasi-state actor most Americans had never heard of, the Houthis of Yemen, have mounted the gravest challenge to freedom of the seas in decades — and arguably beaten a weary superpower along the way.

    The Houthis have cut Suez Canal traffic by more than half, starving Egypt of toll revenues. They have bankrupted the Israeli port of Eilat in the Gulf of Aqaba.

    ... the falling cost of power projection ... the Red Sea crisis still shows how seemingly minor actors can use relatively cheap capabilities to extend their destructive reach.

    ..... It also reflects the underlying fatigue of a US military that lacks enough cruise missiles, laser-guided bombs, strike aircraft and warships to prosecute the campaign more aggressively without compromising its readiness for conflicts elsewhere.

    .... Whoever becomes president in 2025 will have to face the fact that America is losing the struggle for the Red Sea, with all the pernicious global implications that may follow.

    the above relates to operation guardian prosperity ..

    when the relative american naval assets went back to their home port - naturally the crews were praised for doing a great job blah blah blah and more blah blah blah

    watso was watching a video the other day, and seems to recall that the americans shot down a grand total of 60 drones/missiles .. but had to restock a few times themselves .. lol lol million $$$$ missiles to shoot down cheap houthi rubbish ..

    another video - where the american commander was interviewed - he mentioned that 24 hours a day, there were always two planes in the sky protecting the naval assets ..

    who knows what the cost was for the americans, but it would have been plenty - yet at the end of the day, they failed ..

    mmm notice how russia, iran and china, are only involved on one conflict each .. and america in three conflicts ..

    one wonders when an american aircraft carrier will be sunk ???.. and it will happen - sooner or later
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