Dr. DParticipant“One debate doesn’t change the issues Americans...

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    Dr. D

    “One debate doesn’t change the issues Americans are facing every day.” — James Rickards

    Or every debate.

    And talk about sleepwalking into war, I think this happens because they’ve been discredited and wrong on everything, yet just…don’t notice, don’t care. Don’t resign, remove themselves, nor anybody else. Anyone else in the system, stop listening to, supporting them. We’ve tried 10 levels of talking, acting, protesting, no effect. So…why bother? from our end. We have no effect, which has been established for lifetimes now. People’s will has no effect, I think that study was like 2005. And naturally life just gets harder every day out here, so we’re also busy, you know, not dying.

    With 20,000 cat-eating immigrants who will clearly therefore work for $1 dollar. The law applies to me, not to the border or to Tyson who hires them.

    Anyway, if that’s this end, then how much more really far, distant, deniable things like the nuclear war. What war? We stopped reporting on that last year when we lost. What President? What assassination? So this week, Britain is doing the war. Already decided. Decided when they swapped PM’s not caring if either was wanted or voted for. It was said at the time: Sunak is not a crackdown, child-jailing, nation-bombing supporter, so they dumped him. Took about an hour.

    I think this is the opening sentence in Alexander, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jbXFJ9-PA4 Britain is sending the last weapons they have – which unless nuclear (and possibly even then) are useless. And they, personally, are riding them down to the ground, like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove. Britain is very proud of this, very open about it. Putin has said the very, very, very obvious: NO Ukrainian has anything to do with such weapons: they are run entirely by British/U.S. personnel, using U.S./British satellites, right from firing to the last inch before detonation.

    So how could anyone, anywhere on earth, possibly feel that this would NOT be Britain declaring war on Russia? It doesn’t matter if they SAY it: they literally took their own men, their own bombs, then attacked the deep inside Russia’s 1994 borders. No one else.

    This is simply not reported in the British press nor anywhere else. So no one knows. Everyone who has a clue – and that’s not many people – are like jaw-dropped. Like, nothing we’ve done so far has any effect, even standing quietly on the sidewalk in Britain is a 6-month offense, posting is 20 months, so I guess it’s going where it’s going? This minute is not the minute to jump in?

    The U.S. is a little different: Blinken and Graham say they’ll do anything Ze wants, definitely doubleplus good war, then go over to Austen, warmonger extraordinaire in Rammmenschtein, and he says, “Excuse me, WTF are any of you talking about? No. ” Apparently Blinken can issue the order to use them, but when it comes on the ground, the Pentagon will merely prevent any of them from being authorized or moved to location because…”reasons”. Oops! We thought that location was unsafe, but really, honest, working on it! Any day now!

    So we’re hanging back as Britain goes forward as they are already bankrupt, past tense. On August 15. They, and their only plan – apparently like EVERY country on this miserable, cursed planet, is that if THEY jump into a volcano, the U.S. will jump in after and save them. We will put the full force of the US Army that we don’t have behind ANYONE who asks. For any dumb, transparently false reason they can make up. WHY they think this I have no earthly idea, as the U.S. has betrayed every ally we’ve ever had since Adams resigned. But Britain is going to bomb them, hope to get nuked back, and thereby drag the U.S. into the war when:

    1) The American people would never do this, and have a Russian Revolution 2.0 instead, shooting anyone who conscripts us. (Neither will the European people)
    2) The Pentagon has already CLEARLY shown we’re not doing this, even on Presidential orders, I don’t know how many examples I’d have to give but sending tanks one by one – and in pieces, to reassemble – is a good one.
    3) We literally CAN’T fight ANY wars, anywhere, at all, with anybody. We have nothing. Except for the American People, Mexico could conquer us right now.

    We have: all our warships decommissioned, just like England, for lack of sailors. Does England even have one sailing ship on the water right now, or are they down to zero? I know their carrier has no pilots, because they have no jets, 15 years after Bird and Fortune made fun of them on national TV over it. No merchant marine. No at-sea lading resupply. No ports with warehouses. No shipyards (mostly).

    No tanks, and England has 40. Probably not working. These tanks worked about as well as a 1994 Jeep Wrangler anyway, so it’s just as well to save the effort.

    No missiles. No air defense, but ALSO no Tomahawks, nor any of the others. A handful of JESSAM’s, maybe a thousand, and how far do they go? 150km? Do they go 12 time zones? Hmmmm: my guess not. They are launched from Jets that Russia can drop at will. The 50 year old F16. No shells it goes without saying, but no other vehicles either, at all, and what few we have are 5,000 miles away and not in theatre.

    No men, nor are the men likely to fight. We have supply ships to cross the ocean? Uniforms for winter? Oil tankers and trucks? No, no, and no. This all runs on satellites Russia can sink in 10 minutes. ALLLLLLL of it.

    Soooo….yeah, our plan is for Britain to nuke Russia and for them to nuke us back. That’s it.

    And why? All because one banker went broke and doesn’t want to restructure in bankruptcy, holding a meeting and writing down his losses. That’s it. And the people know it.

    So there’s your plan: Britain is going to openly declare war on Russia without declaring war, so they can confiscate all the Russian oligarch money in London. Which will float them 10 days. They HOPE to be nuked so the U.S. will be their White Knight and save their psychotic ex-girlfriend, who’s committing suicide and trying to get into fights with bouncers and policemen everywhere she goes.

    The U.S. has no resolve, we can hang back, but ultimately we are seen as complicit, just allowing this behaviour, signing off on it in the hopes that “something happens.”

    All because: Capitalism! Why? THEY REFUSE BANKRUPTCY. That’s it. They’re bankrupt, declare and write it off, restructure. They go to war, world war, nuclear world war, rather than have even one MINUTE of Capitalism. With bankruptcy. Price Discovery. And “Voluntary” exchange. Right, France in Africa? “Voluntary”? Not “While we bomb you at the point of a gun and also the whole world”?

    Is having ONE bankruptcy really that bad? Telling the truth for ONE moment? Once?

    Yup, that’s their plan alright: they have to default on their debts, and it has to be Somebody Else’s Fault.™ So bye: was nice knowing you.


    To me, it’s more: they know all these steps and carefully put them into place. The social engineers. Consolidate power, make a fortress of power, self-defending, so that the people – who have common sense – will be excluded. Then you only have to rig say, 100 people not 100,000. Then as you get closer, start making up stories that makes what you’re doing make sense. –Not that it’s psychotic and bat s–t insane, a suicidal murdering bottomless blood lust. When the stories you make up out of nothing conflict, start rumors and infighting. The infighting lets you arrest and purge anyone NOT a blood, gore, guts, veins-in-my-teeth maniac, using the FBI, etc who are ALSO not entirely captured, but captured ENOUGH that when I have Comey call on an agent, he breaks every law and Constitution unthinkingly on command. Weak men make bad times.

    Then you reach this point the people – nor indeed most of the elites – never wanted to reach, as it will kill most of them and blow up their beautiful third beach house at sea level, and then they’ll be stuck in the bunker with their wives and not girlfriends. Too bad: you wanted to be “In”. The “In” crowd. “In” the bunker, because you’re a Very Important Person, and only the SECOND one we kill and throw out the airlock when the coffee runs out. Once in the Bunker, like “Kingsmen”, then Fuhrer runs the show, and we have The Button, and the Rubes are locked out. Whack’d! That button! Whack it!

    It’s like a Jenga tower. All they need is a few of these blockheads to defect. But they know there’s just a time-window all the stars have to line up with. IN that window you can whack it, get all these “Leaders” killed, then walk away with the money, no one’s the wiser. Back to the Castle basement, same as the last thousand years.

    Luongo followed this this week (sorry, can’t keep track), with Germany, UK, Europe, Italy, U.S. all aligned against Russia. But only for this one window. Like ships, all their directions-of-travel and different, they all just are made to converge at this time and place. But if TIME goes too long: the Eastern General, Time, then they all continue on direction of travel and diverge again. Like Germany keeps looking for any way out and if they are given long enough, will find one. The U.S. is already out barring some astonishing turn (suspend elections forever) which they’ll probably try. Etc. This was the same in Syria, and now as ships have continued travel, Turkey is for, Jordan, Saudi made up. (no reparations yet).

    So Sen. Brumenthal knows, but won’t say anything? Thanks pal. What assassination? So for murder and multiple attempted murder, someone’s gonna get fired and get free health care for life? Oh noes. He fired no one, leaked nothing, no one was arrested after his meeting. That means it’s hot air, ain’t gonna do nothin’.

    If you won and Kamala’s running behind, why are you holding whole stage events talking about how you didn’t lose? If you didn’t lose, there’d be no talk. Next subject. If you talk about it, you lost.

    “Harris campaign raised $74M before debate” (Chyron)

    Yes, and we know how. When you print free infinity money, (in Europe?) then launder it where one lady in an apartment on Social Security donated to the Democratic Party 600 times a year to a total of $20,000. Per person. (this was a real case. No one cared.) OMG news went out to some of these houses and asked. What house? What address?

    Okay, what good is the money? They’re not really buying ads. Ads? We buy the PEOPLE. The vote counters, ballot harvesters, IT guys and vote stuffers. That adds up. Many were arrested for 2020, driving around the city with a car full of (illegal) ballots. No one cared. What vote rigging? Oh you mean the cases where they ware arrested and convicted? What cases? I just denied it so it doesn’t exist anymore.

    “JUST IN: Former top Clinton adviser calls for an internal probe of ABC for rigging the debate against Trump. “

    Everything is illegal or compulsory. WHAT LAW would they like to “Investigate” under? If it’s ABC themselves, then CLEARLY they rigged it on purpose with commands from the very top, so what investigation? That they’ll find themselves guilty and fire every CEO on down to the Moderators? No. “Somebody oughta do something” is his cry. Okay, sold: YOU do it. “This is a job…for somebody else…” The point here is like the USSS/FBI “Investigation” and Firings: nothing happens, as we all break into committee meetings and talk until everyone dies of old age. Apparently Cheney’s still around! Still talking about doing something about his genocide/mass murder! Any day now!

    ““..if the West allows Kiev to hit targets deep inside Russia, “this will mean that NATO countries, the US, European countries are fighting against Russia..”

    The irony is of course, they were ALREADY fighting Russia, ALREADY embargo Russia, ALREADY attacking Russia, ALREADY in Donbas (new annexation) and Kursk (Pre 1994). With Iron Cross tanks HIMARs, and everything. Well, like the American people then Russia will have done every last thing they can think of to forestall and prevent this, God help us. Then when they act, there will be no questions.

    All because: No Capitalism. No bankruptcy. As we said in 2000, 2008. The people shut down the Congressional phone lines telling Congress not to bail them out (“Jump you Fukkkers!”) and they did anyway, setting the stage of “Oh, so THAT’S how it is now” for us.

    And…so what’s Russia going to do? Let’s get to that. LONDON needs them to bomb Poland, Newcastle, something. That’s their super-genus plan, like Ze when the Russian army takes 10 towns a day, like Baghdad Bob it’s all part of the master plan. Why?

    WHY would he do this, that they want? Why? This is what Nazis never can figure, because they’re deeply and chronically mentally ill. Deranged. The other guy has free agency too. As narcissistic sociopaths, they think THEY make up the other person, the “other” person IS them. They TELL them what to do. They think FOR Stalin, the Slavs, Osama, they do whatever is most convenient for us and we think/wish they will do. That’s our magic, Will to Power, Power of Positive (magical) Thinking. The Occult. I Am God. The world exists for me and revolves around me.

    WHY would Putin do what London wants? He already said he WOULDN’T. Duh. WHY would I step into a transparent trap you set, that you went on international TV and bragged about? Jesus F—k you guys are stupid: no. Putin already said: He’s going to arm every enemy of the U.S. and Britain, everywhere on earth, and give them an open trigger.

    Yemen: endless Sunburn missiles. What Yemen? YOU said if it was a third country, we weren’t involved, right? We can’t tell our allies what to do. All Africa purged of Europe. What Russia? We’re not involved. I guess if you were nicer to them this wouldn’t have happened. Iran: what Russia? Iran is an independent state, YOU wanted to get into a war with, what do we have to do with it? They just bought our weapons, same as the F14’s from you they still own.

    WHAT Taiwan? If China wants to arm Taiwan against the West, well…

    Goin’ Worldwide. WHAT Mexico? If Mexico wants to buy Iskanders and they end up in the hands of drug cartels, well, what can ya do? YOU wanted this. YOU said.

    Why would they bomb Poland when the entire Middle East is tired and sore, aching to be free? We have completely unguarded bases everywhere for 2,000 miles, every one of which can be overrun in a fortnight. What if there’s an accident in Georgia or Armenia, completing the transit lines from Archangel to Chabahar? We can’t be responsible for bad election counting in democratic states, right?

    These guys. Have no sense. So Britain would default FASTER when their only base is erased, only carrier is sunk. By “Terrorists” from “ISIS”.

    Again: they think they’re the only player in chess. No one will play with them since they’re such intolerable, weasely, cheating f—ks, so they’ve been playing chess against themselves too long, PRETENDING they’re the other side. That they are all people, thinking of all things. I Am God. But they’re not even the level of one average Billy-Bob from Cleetus, Arkansas. Russia is NOT going to do what they ask. Just because you need it. Duh.

    And I have to waste my time spelling this out for you.

    I say “we’ll be nuked” because it will start an escalation ladder of events, not because it’s this week, and I know that if I say “We’ll be nuked in March” then you’ll say “March? That’s AGES away, we’ll deal with it then.”

    “• NATO Plans to Send Troops to Ukraine to Force Russia Into Talks – Moscow (Sp.)

    They already did that. Thousands and thousands, maybe 20,000, maybe 200k with 20,000 dead already. Generals keep having “climbing accidents” weekly. All SAAB did.

    “As I recently reported, about 900,000 new jobs that had been claimed over the preceding year have just disappeared”

    Meh, what’s a million jobs between friends? What’s the in-workforce? 150 Million? So they’re off by 1%. OR off by 7 states, all of which have fewer than 1M ppl. Not to fear! Tomorrow they’ll be back! Ye, when we need to goose the stock market and NOT have honest price discovery, then we’ll just say they were hired! Maybe 20 million or 200 million hired, who knows? Depends on who needs to get elected. You can’t stop us. Who are you to judge? Are you a biologist? Economist?

    ““..the only goal of these types of “hate” laws is to create a special category of crime based entirely on the identity of the victim. Identity politics is now part of criminal law…”

    Actually it’s much worse than that, and it’s exactly what we said. ANYONE can be jailed, for anything, any time and any place. All they have to do is FEEEEEEEEEEEL that there is hate, out there, somewhere in the universe. For all narcissists (and psychopaths) the crime is to not LOVE THEM ENOUGH. You have to love them more than yourself, indeed more then they love themselves. Love with body, heart, soul, your very life! (and all your sex organs). If you don’t LOVE me, I’ll KILL you. This is the cry from the gay community right through to these jokers: the crime is to not love me adequately, to the level to which I FEEL I should be loved, adored, and coddled over.

    So arrest every person, every minute, every day, because they didn’t GIMME, transfer wealth and power, to me.

    Now: on the ground, how does this work? You, Gay Boi, get nothin’ and you’ll like it. We’ll lock you in a tiny apartment and abuse you daily. No. This works only for PARTY MEMBERS. If you’re IN the party, the mean girlz clique, the Government, we can and will arrest you for ANYTHING, because “somebody said.” Or, in fact, NOBODY said. UK here arrested everyone with no events and no complaints. There is no victim anyone is aware of. A THEORETICAL victim, that might, somewhere sometime, maybe, might have existed, but I can’t find them.

    So it’s full, unlimited power of the STATE, against…Everyone. I’d say “not the state” but the very next thing they’ll do is arrest and purge rival party members in an orgy of raw violence, Stalin or Robespierre style. Occasionally, the man on the street can claim something, and the internal logic of raw violence and mindless fascism will help him, but that’s really just the overflow of generalized violence, smearing out into space. The system and structure exist for US. Against YOU. Gay boi, don’t F– with us or it’s solitary for 6 years while the pipe bomber is on camera, escorted by police. Did the “Blacks for Trump” get off? Nope. He was targeted. Candice Owens, all online? Nope. DGAF if she’s black. You’re only protected if you’re the PARTY. The Party-whos-name-shall-not-be-spoken because it’s definitely not the Socialist Party. They’re the GOOD people.

    In unrelated news: still no Epstein list! Well, I’m sure any time now. So, it weren’t no Democrats who had their daughters stolen from Band Camp to be raped. Nope, they make super-sure it’s only Republican 13-year-olds.

    And here you thought “Surviving the Game” was only a movie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surviving_the_Game

    Boy good thing no black kids disappear in DC around Halloween time. They might get mad and stop voting for it.

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