american flag, page-2

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    stocko american flag Why is the last para of your post, a laugh?

    "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning"

    Even the burning of a flag should be done in a dignified way.

    By way of example, we cremate dead people in a dignified way.

    We don't just go and light a few logs or burning tyres and dump the body on top, and in public. (I know in India there is a ritual that does have pyers to burn bodies but even their way, is done with least from their perspective)

    Both cremation and burning on logs or having petrol poured on, the burned etc... gives the same result, yet one way is respecful, the other way is not.

    Having hoons jumping, urinating on a flag and then burning it in a "carnival or riotous atmosphere............what's respectful about that?

    I think that would have been the vein the last para of your post, would have been written in....
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