I, for one, rekon if you get one of the leaders of a terrorist...

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    I, for one, rekon if you get one of the leaders of a terrorist cell - extrqact every bit of info you can by what ever means and then hand him over

    These animals cant have it both ways...they cant flaunt every civilised notion of law, order and behaviour and then - when collared - ask for the protection that the same system affords.

    Am I unreasonalbe about this??

    Amnesty warning on Hambali
    August 22, 2003

    RIGHTS group Amnesty International on Friday criticised the US decision to hold suspected top terrorist Hambali in a secret location and said he should receive a fair trial.

    Amnesty expressed concern "that the detention of suspects in undisclosed locations without access to legal representation or to family members" violates the right to a fair trial, puts them at risk of ill-treatment, and undermines the rule of law.

    Indonesia and the Philippines have asked that the Indonesian national, who was arrested in Thailand last week, be handed over for trial.

    Jakarta says the suspected top al Qaeda operative was involved in 39 bombings in eight Indonesian cities between August 2000 and the Bali blasts in October 2002, which killed 202 people.

    Manila says he should stand trial there for plotting a train bombing that left 22 dead in December 2000.
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