Formguide - I would love to accept your kind offer to buy me a...

  1. 177 Posts.
    Formguide - I would love to accept your kind offer to buy me a beer, but I'm going to have to decline.

    I'm affraid such a rendezvous would probably result in both of us sustaining fractured collar bones - a nasty side-effect of forceful back-slapping.

    Second to that, we would also run the risk of our hysterical laughter being overheard by most other patrons in the pub - many of whom would probably be middle-class property investors themselves, who would take great offence to our boisterous ridiculing of their investment choices. A swift ejection from the bouncers (who probably own an investment property or two themselves) would occur.

    Owning rental properties has become such a religion in this country that anyone wishing to speak ill of their peversion should do so in private (or on anonymous web forum), otherwise risk running the gaunlet of middle-class wrath and subsequent retribution.
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