an interview with a muslim

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    Politicians of all persuasions and Church Leaders, Ignore this at your peril

    Have Politicians and Immigration Officers of the Non Islamic Western Nations, including Australia, made a terrible mistake? Have they innocently or even deliberately, in some cases, created a base for Islamic Fundamentalism and Terrorism within the Western Nations?

    The following article titled ‘Disturbing Islamic Realities’ is taken from ‘Informatieblad’ for October 1998, and was translated by H.L. Jobses, and certainly would make one think so. It appeared in the Australian Journal Catholic # 179 for December 1998. It remains chilling and even more relevant today.

    This article sums up in very few words what we really face today. Multiculturalism and political correctness are relatively akin. Normally, one is inclusive of the other. For the benefit of those who are not easily fooled by the ‘establishment’ programming; for those who mistrust the new values and have a predilection for the invincible truth, no matter what; below follows part of an interview which Phillippe Aziz (PA), a French Journalist, had with Mohammed Saboui (MS), a 25 year old student, who is in his third year of sociology at the University of Lille, Northern France. MS, of Algerian descent, was born in France, so on paper he is actually French.

    He may appear to be somewhat fanatical. However, we thought it timely to sound the alarm bell, for similar scenarios will be developing in Australia and other Western Countries if the misguided multiculturalists and politically correct establishment apparatchiks persist on their fallacious course.


    PA: Should not the rise in general Islam throughout the World generate a sense of fear in the Western Worlds, particularly in France?

    MS: Of course. The Islamic empire that at one time used to be larger than that of Rome, and did not fail to leave its mark on an extensive part of the World, in conformance with the desire of our Prophet. Therefore, why should not you expect Islam to reoccupy the place that is rightfully hers?

    PA: All right. But in France, your religion is adequately provided for and represented. One only has to take note of the number of mosques, more than 1,500.

    MS: Not so. Since the laws of the Republic do not conform to those of the Koran, they should not be imposed on Muslims who can only be governed by the Sharia. We shall therefore do our utmost to seize the power that belongs to us. We shall start with the town of Roubaix where presently a majority of 60% are Muslims. At the next municipal elections, we shall marshal our manpower and the mayor will be succeeded by a Muslim. After negotiating with the State and provincial authorities, we shall declare Roubaix an autonomous enclave, and the Sharia (Law of God) will be imposed on all its inhabitants.

    PA: So, you think that the 60% of Roubaix will vote for a Muslim mayor? Some of them are very well integrated; they don’t want to be part of such a program.

    MS: Remember that the King of Morocco himself appeared on your TV channels and stressed that an Arab always remains an Arab, and that the Koran says that even a child born out of a bond between an Arab and an infidel remains an Arab, going back even to the seventh generation. You saw an excellent demonstration of this solidarity between all but Arabian Muslims, when our brother Khaled Kelkal, implicated in the bomb attacks at Paris in 1995, pursued by the whole police force, and who died a martyr, he was housed, fed and supported by the whole Arabian population of the second, and third generation. This shows how naïve you are.

    PA: To come back to Roubaix, what are you going to do with the non-Arabs, the non-Muslims?

    MS: That has been taken care of. The Christian minority will receive the status of chimnis. They will form a separate category who can regain their freedom and Rights by paying a special tax. In any case, we shall exert the necessary reasoning in an attempt to make them part of our culture. Tens of thousands in all of France have embraced Islam voluntarily, so why not the Christians of Roubaix? Presently, we are installing faith groups at the University of Lille; their task will be to ‘convert’ the recalcitrant Christian and Jewish inhabitants of Roubaix; persuade them to accept our religion, for that is the will of God.

    Those that refuse to convert, in spite of our endeavor, will be treated accordingly. When we are the stronger, it is because God wants it so. We are not hampered by Christian sentiments of having to support widows, orphans, the weak or handicapped people. On the contrary, we have to eradicate them if they become an obstacle, especially when they are infidels!

    PA: What you are saying is incredible.

    MS: You seem to forget your crusades, your colonisations, and your Christianisations. Besides, you don’t consider at all the substantial fertility of our Arabian women who follow the precepts of the Koran. Simply, the fact that each woman gives birth to 4-5-6 or more children is enough to overpower you.

    Then again, you are requited to regard us as Frenchmen. You are financing and feeding those that shall become your masters. Admit that this is suicidal. At the moment, there are six million Arabs in France. It does not matter whether, according to your criteria, they are Arabs or Frenchmen. Be assured that they form an army of at least three million soldiers of God; an army that can be mobilized at any moment; and that we cover your territory with a tight network.

    Even your authorities acknowledge 1,400 autonomous areas. What we cannot achieve through negotiation, we will get by force. (Politicians and Church Leaders Take Note).

    PA: I very much doubt you can count on that army of phantasms.

    MS: Again, your memory fails you. What about the last elections that took place in Algeria in 1996? More than two million Algerian people living in France showed their solidarity and went to vote. The mobilization worked very well.

    PA: Then why don’t you act now?

    MS: Our well functioning, ‘peaceful’ invasion of Europe has not been completed yet. We want to act simultaneously in all host-countries. Since you keep on making more and more room available for us, we would be stupid, not to fully profit by it. We are going to be your Trojan Horse. According to the ‘Rights of Man’ in which you are caught up, you will succeed only in shackling yourselves.

    Look, if you were in Algeria or Saudi Arabia, and spoke like I am speaking to you, then, in the most favorable instant, you would be instantly arrested. You have framed laws that penalize those who utter any racist expression against us. And, you can’t see how blinded your are.

    Do you think it normal to conscript young Arabs and send them to Algeria for their military service? If you say that the young men in the suburbs are exempted, again, you are having recourse to your guilt complex. Khaled Kellrall, whom I mentioned a minute ago, was no exemptee. He had finished high-school and had a family.

    What those boys can’t forgive you is that you don’t know how to extract any respect from them. Why should they respect a France that surrenders to them, that offers social welfare and other ‘benefits’ to them? France ought to be like a woman that wants to be desired, not like an old lady who has to pay for any intentional favors she feels she wants. One only respects that which one fears!

    When we get into power, you won’t ever see Arabs setting cars alight, no more shoplifting or drug trafficking. They’ll know that the punishment will lie merciless. Theft implies amputation and crime implies capital punishment, which we have never abrogated. We shall be victorious because our cause is just. Allah Akbar!

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