A serious topic for the Humour Forum.Discipline is often linked...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 21
    A serious topic for the Humour Forum.

    Discipline is often linked to physical punishment but most of the great teachers I have known were able to control their class and inspire by shear force of their persona and genuine interest in their students.

    On bringing up kids the single most important thing they can learn is a work ethic. I am amazed these days at how many get through life without ever washing up, cooking a meal or cleaning the house.

    Our three boys were fortunate to grow up on a farm I think. They get a lot of responsibility at a young age. The other thing we found was to encourage their reading of a wide range of books. Always a great way to get a discussion going at dinnertime.

    Yeah we are really old fashioned and sat down to eat together and talk without TVs, mobile phones and the like.
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