ECT 0.00% 0.2¢ environmental clean technologies limited.

an on we go?, page-11

  1. 6,284 Posts.
    but of course there is something brewing IronKing.
    There always IS something brewing. R&D is good too !!

    I still stand by my prediction that THEORETICALLY, ESI will qualify imho,, for ALDP ,, in all probability. and that mid 20's would not surprise me per theoretical slice of theoretical cake/ bag(s) of gold.

    I SAY THEORETICAL ,,, simply because of the nature of political footballs and the hand passing thereof,, which has yet to be demonstrated/proven etc

    As for the ''subject to's'' ,, that's another BAG of stories imo.

    Why do the lyrics to Macarthur Park have a certain sense of belonging with me today ???? :~)


    GLTA imo

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