an open letter to pm tony blair, page-15

  1. 1,481 Posts.
    Here's what you just dont get miles

    Frankly...I dont know you and really, aside from the occasional tete-a-tete we have which, at times, is a bit testy

    ...I dont know you and really dont have a strongly held pt of view about you

    I'm not even sure you do have a Lebo root but I suspect its something like that

    But what you miss about snooks and I is something called friendship, loyalty and allegiance.

    And...... if a mate gets set upon by another....I would be remiss if i didnt come to his aide

    Mind you.... he manages very well thank you very much

    The other thing is that for you and the rest of the pack I refer to as the rabble....

    ...aside from perhaps a passing intellectual game or interest for you lot

    ...this stuff regarding Israel etc is a remote, far-removed issue that you take a passsing interest in cause you feel it impacts the world - as it does.

    But for he and I, it is far far more and you will never be able to either grasp or undertand that.

    A long time ago I let go of any "Oh woe is me" and all that sh!t

    Either you are someone who agrees with me on Israel or your not

    Either you are neutral, supportive or negative

    If your neutral - I can accept that

    If your supportive - I accept and thank you for it

    If you are negative....That i can accept. But if you clearly are biased and seek to put that across....depending on how I feel

    .... either I'll ignore you or I'll challenge you

    But to ask for sympathy/pity or concessions

    Fuk that.

    We will not be bent/broken or killed without a fight

    And there are many in the world who find that anathema to what they want

    To them I say...fuk you.

    To you I say....

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